ORTHODOX CHRISTIANITY Orthodox Calendar 2015
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May 22
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June 4
First Week after Pentecost (Fast-free period). Tone 7.
Fast-free period.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомMartyr Basiliscus the Soldier, of Comana (308). St. John Vladimir, martyr and ruler of Serbia, whose relics are at Elbasan (1015). Blessed James of Borovichi (Novgorod) (ca. 1540).

Commemoration of the Second Ecumenical Council (381).

New Hieromartyr Maxim (Zhizhilenko), bishop of Serpukhov (1931).

Righteous Melchizedek, king of Salem (ca. 2000 b.c.). Hieromartyrs Donatus, bishop of Thmuis, the priest Macarius, and the deacon Theodore (ca. 316). New Hieromartyr Zachariah, priest of Prusa (1802). New Monk-martyr Paul of Mt. Athos, at Tripolis, the Peloponnese (1818). Martyr Sophia the Healer (Gr. Cal).

Repose of Eldress Macrina of Volos (1995).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Thursday. [Rom. 1:28–2:9; Matt. 5:27–32]

  Whosoever looketh on a woman … hath committed adultery with her already (Matt. 5:28). Living in society, one cannot help looking at women. What to do? A man does not commit adultery simply by looking at a woman, but by looking at her with lust. Look if you must, but keep your heart on a leash. Look with the eyes of a child—purely, without any evil thoughts. One must love women as well, for they are not excluded from the commandment about love of neighbour—but with love that is pure, which bears the soul and spiritual aspect in mind. Just as there is neither male nor female before God in Christianity, so it is in the mutual relations of Christians. But this is very difficult, you will say. Yes, it does not happen without a struggle; but struggle presupposes a lack of desire for evil. The Lord counts as purity the unlustful desire of the merciful.