Hieromartyr Dorotheus, bishop of Tyre (ca. 362).
Martyrs Marcian, Nicander, Hyperechius, Apollonius, Leonides, Arius, Gorgias, Selenias, Irenaeus, and Pambo, of Egypt (ca. 305-311). St. Anubius, confessor and anchorite, of Scetis (4th c.). St. Theodore the Wonderworker, hermit, of the Jordan (6th c.). Abba Dorotheus of Gaza (ca. 620). Translation to Chernigov of the relics of the Blessed Igor-George, tonsured Gabriel, great prince of Chernigov and Kiev (1150). St. Constantine, metropolitan of Kiev (1159). St. Theodore Yaroslavich of Novgorod, brother of St. Alexander Nevsky (1233). Uncovering of the relics (1599) of Sts. Jonah and Bassia, monks, of Pertoma (Solovki) (1599).
St. Illidius (Allyre), bishop of Clermont (Gaul) (385). St. Dorotheus of Thebes (ca. 395). Hieromartyr Boniface (Wynfrith), archbishop of Mainz and enlightener of Germany, and those martyred with him, including St. Adalar, bishop of Erfurt (754). St. Dorotheus, abbot, at Chiliokama on the Black Sea (11th c.). St. Peter, monk, of Korisha, Serbia (1275). Sts. Agapius and Nicodemus, stewards of Vatopedi (14th c.). New Martyr Mark of Smyrna, on Chios (1801).
Thursday. [Rom. 8:22-27; Matt. 10:23-31]
There is nothing covered, that shall
not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.
Consequently, regardless of how we hide in our sins now,
it is of no use to us at all. The time will come—and
is it far off?—when all will come to light. What
should we do? Do not hide. If you have sinned—go and
reveal your sin to your spiritual father. When you receive
absolution, the sin vanishes, as if it never was. Nothing
will have to be revealed and shown. If you hide the sin
and do not repent, you keep it in yourself, so that there
will be something to come to light at the proper time unto
your accusation. God revealed all of this to us in
advance, so that while still here we will manage to disarm
His righteous and terrible judgment upon us