Orthodox Calendar 2017
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Перенесение мощей Иоанна Златоуста в Константинополь в храм святых Апостолов.
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Old Style
January 27
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February 9
Fast-free Week. Tone 8.
No fast.

Совершается служба с полиелеемTranslation of the relics of St. John Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople (438).

St. Peter of Egypt (v). New Martyr Demetrius, at Constantinople (1784). St. Demetrius Klepinine, priest, of Paris (1944).

Repose of Nun Neonilla of the Farther Davidov Convent (1875) and Schemanun Margarita (Lakhtionova) of Diveyevo (1997).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Thursday. [I John 1:8–2:6; Mark 13:31–14:2]

What the Apostle directed us towards yesterday, the Gospel now suggests directly to us: Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time.… Watch ye therefore ... lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping (Mark 13:33, 35–6). It is necessary to wait, and every instant to keep in mind that the Lord is about to appear and shine like lightning from one end of the universe to the other. It is thought by some that it is possible to replace this waiting upon the Lord with waiting for death. This is good, or at least this should be done. But awaiting the coming of the Lord is one thing, and awaiting death another. They lead to different thoughts, and to different feelings born under the impact of these different thoughts. Await the day of the Lord, when all will end in an irrevocable determination. After our death, time will still continue in an undecided state; but the day of the Lord will assign everything for eternal ages, and it will be sealed, so you cannot expect any changes. “I have been waiting,” you say. So wait longer, and continue to wait. “But this,” you say, “will poison all my joys.” It will not poison your joys—it will only drive away from your everyday life those joys that are illegitimately so-called. You will still rejoice, only in the Lord. It is possible to wait for the Lord with this joy; and if the Lord finds you in this joy, He will not call you to account, but will praise you.


The Life of Saint John Chrysostom

The treasure of treatises and letters which St. John left behind, included the moving sermon that is heard at Easter Sunday services. The loss of his sermons which were not set down on paper is incalculable. Nevertheless, the immense store of his excellent literature reveals his insight, straightforwardness, and rhetorical splendour, and commands a position of the greatest respect and influence in Christian thought, rivaling that of other Fathers of the Church. His liturgy, which we respectfully chant on Sundays, is a living testimony of his greatness.

Saint John Chrysostom for the 21st Century

Fr. Josiah Trenham

The Supreme Importance of Churchmanship in an Age of Radical Individualism. Saint John taught that the κοινωνοία of the Church is a profound miracle. Whence is the origin of the Church? From where did our sacred community arise, brothers and sisters? It has no mere human foundation. The apostles did not simply gather together and come up with the idea of this organization, with certain goals, members, and dues. Not at all. The Church is the continuation of the miracle of the Nativity of Christ.

Translation of the Relics of St. John Chrysostom

St. Dimitry of Rostov

Many were John Chrysostom's struggles on earth, many are his crowns in heaven. He now cries out with the Apostle Paul, 'I am a sweet savour of Christ, having cleansed the whole world of the stench of error.

A Day in the World of St. John Chrysostom

Priest Ioan Valentin Istrati

We live in a changing world. All around are life, death, the past, and old age, passing on from one stage to the next. People become what their parents were, children grow into youths and then into adults, the elderly depart to the earth, and all are pitilessly stalked by the specter of death.