Orthodox Calendar 2017
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Свт. Григорий Палама
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February 27
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March 12
Second Sunday of Great Lent. Commemoration of St. Gregory Palamas. Tone 5.
Великий пост.
Wine and oil allowed.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. Procopius the Confessor, of Decapolis (ca. 750).

St. Thalelaeus, hermit, of Gabala in Syria (460). St. Titus, hieromonk of the Kiev Caves (1196). St. Titus the Soldier, monk of the Kiev Caves (14th c.). St. Pitirim, bishop of Tambov (1698).

Martyrs Julian and his disciple Chroniun, at Alexandria (250-252). Martyr Gelasius the Actor, of Heliopolis (297). St. Macarius, bishop of Jerusalem (334). Sts. Asclepius and James of Nimouza, monks, near Cyrrhus (5th c.). St. Leander, bishop of Seville (600-601). St. Stephen, monk, of Constantinople (614). New Martyr Elias of Trebizond (1749). St. Timothy of Caesarea, monk.

Repose of Archimandrite Photius of the Yuriev Monastery (Novgorod) (1838), Monk Anthony (1848) and Hieromonk Justinian (1966), both of Valaam, and Archimandrite Alypy (Voronov) of the Pskov Caves Monastery (1975).
