Orthodox Calendar 2017
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Святой Вячеслав, князь Чешский Преподобный Герасим Иорданский Св. блгв. князь Даниил Московский
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Old Style
March 4
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March 17
3rd Week of Great Lent. Tone 5.
Великий пост.
Monastic rule: xerophagy (bread, uncooked fruits and vegetables).

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. Gerasimus of the Jordan (451). St. Gerasimus of Vologda, founder of the Holy Trinity Monastery (1178). St. Daniel, great prince of Moscow (1303).

Martyrs Paul and his sister Juliana, and Quadratus, Acacius, and Stratonicus, at Ptolemais in Syria (ca. 273). St. James the Faster, of Phoenicia (Syria) (6th c.). Translation of the relics of Martyr Wenceslaus (Vyacheslav), prince of the Czechs (929-935). Blessed Basil (Vasilko), prince of Rostov (1238). Saints of Pskov martyred by the Latins: St. Ioasaph of Snetogorsk Monastery and St. Basil of Mirozh Monastery (1299). St. Gregory, bishop of Constantia on Cyprus.

New Hieromartyrs Archpriest Dimitry Ivanov of Kiev (1933) and Priest Vyacheslav Leontiev of Nizhegorod (1937).

St. Julian, bishop of Alexandria (189). St. Gregory, bishop of Assos near Ephesus (1150). New Martyr John of al-Sindiyana (Palestine) (1937).

Repose of Schemamonk Mark of Glinsk Hermitage (1893) and Schemanun Agnia (Starodubtseva), eldress, of Karaganda (1976).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse


The wicked shall fall by his own wickedness (Prov. 11: 5).[1]   Impiety is an incorrect relationship to God, or complete forgetfulness of God, to which belong also unbelief in the existence of God and in His providence for creatures. Some souls, being oppressed by wicked thoughts like these, but desiring nevertheless to be respectable individuals, resolve, “I will be upright, honest, and humane, not occupying myself with whether there is something higher than me which observes me, has expectations of me, and is able to demand an account.” And what is the result? The blessing of God—which they do not seek—does not abide with them, and their affairs do not prosper. Their conscience daily reminds them about their deeds either of unrighteousness, dishonesty or inhumanity. They only make a show of righteousness before other people in order to justify themselves, sharply fending off accusation, and falsely interpreting facts as needed. He whose conscious is inwardly blameless has no need of self-justification. Those who are not attentive to themselves allow this inner discord to slip by: those who are attentive control this with difficulty. Oh, when will one of such people conscientiously look at this discord, and discern where it comes from and how to set it right? He could then both set himself right and direct others toward the proper harmony.

[1] The Slavonic for Prov. 11:5 reads: The impious shall fall by his own impiety.


Venerable Gerasimus of the Jordan

Saint Gerasimus established a strict monastic Rule. He spent five days of the week in solitude, occupying himself with handicrafts and prayer. On these days the wilderness dwellers did not eat cooked food, nor did they kindle a fire, but ate only dry bread, roots and water.

Venerable Gerasimus of Vologda

The saint chose the dense virgin forest for his dwelling place, separated from the settlement by the Kaisarova creek. There the monk built a hut, and in the tranquil solitude he devoted himself to the contemplation of God, unceasing prayer and work.

Uncovering of the relics of St Daniel the Prince of Moscow

Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow, son of the holy Prince Alexander Nevsky, died on March 4, 1303. On August 30, 1652 his relics were uncovered incorrupt.

Right-believing Prince Daniel of Moscow

Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow was born at Vladimir in the year 1261. He was the fourth son of St Alexander Nevsky.

The Holy Martyr Paul and his sister Juliana

The Holy Martyr Paul and his sister Juliana were executed under the emperor Aurelian (270-275) in the Phoenician city of Ptolemais.

St. James the Faster of Phoenicia, Syria

Saint James the Faster lived a life of asceticism near the Phoenician city of Porphyrion in the sixth century.

Martyr Wenceslaus the Prince of the Czechs

Envious nobles decided to murder the saint and, at first, to incite his mother against him, and later to urge his younger brother, Boleslav, to occupy the princely throne.

Right-believing Prince Basil (Vasilko) of Rostov

Describing the burial of Prince Basil, the chronicler said: “The multitude of Orthodox people wept bitterly, when they saw the departed father and nourisher of orphans, the great comforter of the sorrowful, and... the setting of a luminous star.... By his martyr’s blood his transgressions and those of his brethren were washed away.”

Venerable Joasaph of Snetogorsk, Pskov

The Holy Hieromartyrs Joasaph of Snetogorsk and Basil of Mirozh suffered under the Germans at two of the most ancient of the Pskov monasteries during the thirteenth century.