Orthodox Calendar 2017
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Икона Божией Матери ''Споручница грешных''
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March 7
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March 20
4th Week of Great Lent. Tone 6.
Великий пост.
Monastic rule: xerophagy (bread, uncooked fruits and vegetables).

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомThe Holy Hieromartyrs of Cherson: Basil, Ephraim, Capiton, Eugene, Aetherius, Elpidius, and Agathadorus (4th c.).

St. Paul the Simple, of Egypt (4th c.). St. Paul the Confessor, bishop of Plousias in Bithynia (9th c.). St. Emilian, monk, of Rome (6th c.).

New Hieromartyr Nilus (Tyutyukin), hieromonk of St. Joseph of Volokolamsk Monastery (1938).

Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Surety of Sinners” (Moscow) (1848)

Sts. Nestor and Arcadius, bishops of Tremithus (4th c.). St. Ephraim, patriarch of Antioch (546). St. Lawrence, founder of the monastery of the Mother of God on Salamis (1707). St. Dandus and All Saints of Thrace. Martyrs Codratus, Saturninus, and Rufinus, of Nicomedia (250-259).

Repose of Schemamonk Sisoes of Valaam (1931).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse


The souls of the righteous are in the hand of God (Wisdom 3:1). But in whose hand are the souls of sinners? The Saviour said to the apostles that satan seeks to sift them like wheat, that is, he seeks to knock them from the right path, to take them into his hands and do with them what he wants. That is why everyone turning away from the Lord is in the hands of satan, and he sifts them and casts them wherever he desires. Due to this the heads of sinners are constantly spinning, because the enemy, dragging them here and there, does not give them a chance to come to their senses. As soon as the enemy notices that someone is starting to have second thoughts, he starts to shake him even more strongly, so that his head again becomes clouded and his thoughts become scattered.

Monday (the fourth week of Lent).

The Apostle Paul says that the Israelites, crossing the sea, were baptized in it (I Cor. 10:2).[1] Such a baptism served for them as a division between Egypt and themselves. Peter the Apostle adds: The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us (I Pet. 3:21). Our baptism saves us and serves as a dividing wall between the dark, satanic realm of sin and the world, and the brightness of life in Christ. One who is baptized cuts himself off from all earthly hopes and supports, and lives in this age as if in a desert, not tied to anything. His heart is not on the earth, it is totally in that age. All that is here touches him in passing, so that having a wife he is as though he has none; buying, he is as though possessing nothing. In general, he uses the world, as though he uses it not (cf. I Cor. 7:30).

[1]The Slavonic for I Pet. 3:21 reads: So in like manner baptism doth also now save us.


Hieromartyr Basil of Cherson

For a long time the saint prayed, invoking the Name of the Holy Trinity. Then he blessed water, and sprinkled it on the dead one, who was restored to life. The saint returned to the city with honor, and many believed and were baptized.

Hieromartyr Ephraim of Cherson

Later on, Saint Ephraim went to the peoples living along the Danube, where he underwent many tribulations and sorrows. He was beheaded at the start of the persecution.

Hieromartyr Capiton of Cherson

This miracle and the great faith of Saint Capiton were reported to Saint Constantine and the holy Fathers of the First Ecumenical Council (325), and they all glorified God.

Hieromartyr Eugene of Cherson

A year after the martyrdom of Saint Basil, three of his companions, Bishops Eugene, Elpidius and Agathodorus, ceased their preaching in the Hellespont, and arrived at Cherson to continue his holy work.

Hieromartyr Aetherius of Cherson

Saint Aetherius journeyed to Constantinople to thank the emperor for protecting the Christians. He fell ill and died on the return trip.

Hieromartyr Elpidius of Cherson

They endured many hardships for the salvation of human souls.

Hieromartyr Agathodorus of Cherson

All three bishops shared the fate of their predecessor: they were stoned to death by the pagans on March 7, 311.

Venerable Paul the Simple and Disciple of the Venerable Anthony the Great

Saint Paul the Simple of Egypt also lived in the fourth century and was called the Simple for his simplicity of heart and gentleness. He had been married, but when he discovered his wife’s infidelity, he left her and went into the desert to Saint Anthony the Great.

Icon of the Mother of God “the Surety of sinners” in Moscow

In 1848, through the zeal of Lt. Col. Demetrius Boncheskul, a copy of the wonderworking “Surety of Sinners” Icon was made and placed in his home. Soon it began to exude a healing myrrh, which was given to many so they might recover their health after grievous illnesses.