Martyr Aquilina of Byblos in Lebanon (293). St. Alexandra, foundress of Diveyevo Convent (1789).
St. Triphyllius, bishop of Leucosia (Nicosia) on Cyprus (ca. 370).
Martyr Antonina of Nicaea (ca. 284-305). St. Anna of Larissa in Thessaly (826) and her son John (9th c.). St. Andronicus, disciple of St. Sergius of Radonezh (1395), and St. Sabbas (15th c.) abbots, of Moscow.
Synaxis of New Martyrs and Confessors of Zaporozhie (Ukraine).
St. Antipater, bishop of Bostra in Arabia (458). St. Niphon, monk, of Kapsokalyvia, Mt. Athos (1411). New Hieromartyr Anthimus the Georgian, metropolitan of Wallachia (1716). Martyr Diodorus of Emesus.
Repose of Archimandrite Dimitry (Egorov) of Santa Rosa, California (1992).
Monday. [Rom. 9:18-33; Matt. 11:2-15]
The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth
violence, and the violent take it by force. The
kingdom suffereth violence—that is, it is attained
with violence, with labour, force, and difficult spiritual
struggles; therefore only those who lead a labor-filled
ascetic life attain it. This is how comfort of every sort
is renounced along the path to the kingdom. Pleasures of
all types distance us from the kingdom; but these days we
have concern only for pleasures, sometimes emotional, but
more often fleshly: to eat, drink, have fun, make merry
and luxuriate in everything. We have said to the kingdom,
“I beg you to excuse me,” though there is a
feast in the kingdom—a royal feast, one so sumptuous
that we could not even conceive of it, because we do not
have the taste for it. What there is considered sweet, to
us is bitter; what there is pleasant, for us is repulsive,
what there gladdens, for us is a burden—we have gone
totally separate ways. And the kingdom, together with the
violent who take it by force, withdraws from us. We are
glad, even ready to drive them away more quickly, indeed
we already have started talking about it; but the evil one
does not manage to arrange this.