St. Athanasius the Great (373)
and St. Cyril (444), archbishops of Alexandria.
Sts. Cyril, schemamonk, and Maria, schemanun (ca. 1337), parents of St. Sergius of Radonezh.
St. Marcian, monk, of Cyrrhus in Syria (388). St. Athanasius, monk of Valaam and abbot of Syandema (1550). St. Athanasius, founder of Navolotsk Monastery (Karelia) (16th c-17th c.). St. Cyril, abbot, of Kiev (c. 1146). St. Alexis (Shushania), hieromonk, of Teklati, Georgia (1923).
New Hieromartyr Vladimir Zubkovich, archpriest, of Smolevichi (Belorussia) (1937).
Martyr Theodula and her companions Helladius, Boethius, Evagrius, and Macarius, of Anazarbus in Cilicia (ca. 304). St. Ephraim, bishop of Mylasa in Caria (Asia Minor) (5th c.). St. Leobardus of Marmoutier (6th c.). St. Ninnidh of Inismacsaint (Ireland) (6th c.). St. Ephraim the Lesser (the Philosopher) of Georgia (1101). St. Joachim, patriarch of Turnovo (1248). St. Maximus of Serbia, archbishop of Wallachia (1516).
Slaying of Bishop Paul de Ballester-Convallier of Mexico (1984).
Wednesday. [II Pet. 3:1–18; Mark 13:24–31]
The day of the Lord will come as a thief in the
night (II Pet. 3:10). A thief in the night
sneaks up when he is not expected. So will the day of the
Lord also come when it is not expected. But when He that
cometh is not expected, no preparations are made for
meeting Him. Lest we allow such negligence, the Lord
commanded: Watch: for ye know not what hour your Lord
doth come (Matt. 24:42). Meanwhile, what are we doing?
Are we watching? Are we waiting? We must confess that we
are not. Some at least await death, but scarcely anyone
awaits the day of the Lord. And it is as if they are
right. Our fathers and forefathers waited, but the day did
not come. Since we do not see anything, why should we
think that it will come in our days? Thus, we do not
think; and do not wait. It will not be a wonder, if with
such a disposition as ours, the day of the Lord falls upon
us like a thief. We shall be like the inhabitants of a
city which the head of the province promised to visit in
the near future. They waited for him an hour, waited
another, waited a day and then said, “I suppose
he’s not coming,” and went home. But as soon
as they departed and gave themselves over to
sleep—he appeared. It will be the same with
us—whether we are waiting or not, the day of the
Lord will come, and it will come without warning. For the
Lord said: Heaven and earth shall pass away: but My
words shall not pass away (Mark 13:31). But is it not
better to wait, lest we be caught by surprise? For we will
not get off without paying.