St. John the Merciful, patriarch of Alexandria (616-620).
St. Nilus the Faster, of Sinai (451).
Prophet Ahijah (Achias) (960 b.c.). Blessed John “the Hairy,” fool-for-Christ, of Rostov (1580). St. Nilus the Myrrh-gusher, of Mt. Athos (1651).
Icon of the Mother of God “the Merciful”.
St. Emilian, hermit, of Vergegio in Spain (574). St. Sinnell of Cleenish, Ireland (6th c.). St. Machar, bishop of Aberdeen (6th c.). St. Cadwaladr, king of the Welsh (664). St. Leontius, patriarch of Constantinople (ca. 1143). New Martyr Sabbas of Nigdea in Asia Minor, at Constantinople (1726). New Martyr Nicholas of Marmaran, at Constantinople (1732). New Martyrs and Confessors of Nasaud, Romania: Athanasius Todoran, Basil Dumitru, Gregory Manu, and Basil Oichi (1763).
Repose of Righteous Cosmas of Birsk (1882). Commemoration of the righteous monks and laymen buried at Optina Monastery, including virgin maiden Barbara (1900) and recent martyrs: Hieromonk Basil, Riassaphore-monks Trophimus and Therapontus (1993), and the youth George (1994).
Twenty Fifth Sunday After Pentecost. [Eph. 4:1-6; Luke
To the man who asked how to be saved,
the Lord on his part offered a question: What is
written in the law? how readest thou? By this He
showed that to resolve all perplexity one must turn to the
word of God. And so that there will not be such perplexity
at all it is best to always read Divine Scripture
attentively, with discernment and sympathy, applying it to
your own life, and fulfilling in your own thoughts what
relates to thoughts, in your own feelings and dispositions
what relates to the senses, and in your deeds what relates
to deeds. One who hearkens to the word of God gathers
bright understanding of all that is in him, what is near
to him, and what is above him; he clarifies his
obligations in all aspects of life, and holy rules, like
valuable pearls, are strung onto the thread of his
conscience, which then precisely and definitely indicate
how and when to act so that he please the Lord. He tames
the passions—something reading the word of God
always acts to assuage. No matter what passion troubles
you, begin to read the word of God and the passion will
become quieter and quieter, and at last it will be
entirely calmed. He who enriches himself through knowledge
of the word of God is overshadowed by the pillar of cloud
which guided the Israelites in the desert.