Holy Prophet Zachariah and Righteous Elizabeth, parents of St. John the Forerunner (1st c.).
Martyrdom of St. Athanasius, abbot, of Brest-Litovsk, by the Latins (1648).
Virgin-martyr Rhais of Alexandria (ca. 308). Martyrs Juventinus and Maximinus, soldiers, at Antioch (361-363). Martyrs Urban, Theodore, Medimnus, and 77 companions, at Nicomedia (370). Hieromartyr Abdas, bishop of Hormidz-Ardashir, and Martyrs Hormizd and Sunin, of Persia (ca. 420). Martyrdom of the Holy Passionbearer Gleb of Russia, in holy baptism David (1015). Martyrs Sarbelus (Thathuil) and his sister Bebaia, of Edessa (98- 138).
New Hieromartyr Alexis (Belkovsky), archbishop of Great Ustiug (1937).
Appearance of Apostle Peter to Emperor Justinian at Athira, near Constantinople (6th c.).
Repose of Priest Hilarion Felea of Romania (1961).
Wednesday. [II Cor. 13:3-13; Mark 4:35-41]
The disciples are sailing across the
sea; a storm arises and places them in a dangerous
situation, while the Lord sleeps. They call out to Him:
“Lord, save us!” and He calms the storm with
one word. This is another real representation of the order
of Divine providence. Every person, the nations, and the
Church are sailing across the sea of life themselves by
means of the natural and supernatural powers placed in
them, according to the routines established by God. The
Lord rests, although He also abides amidst moving events;
He Himself begins to act when an unavoidable misfortune
threatens, which could turn the direction of events to
oppose His Divine plans. He is everywhere, preserves
everything, and warms everything with the breathe of His
love; but He leaves His creatures to act themselves, by
means of the powers given by Him, according to the laws
and routines everywhere established and upheld by Him. He
is not personally all-acting, although everything proceeds
from Him and without Him nothing occurs. He is always
prepared to act Himself when it is necessary according to
His boundless wisdom and truth. Prayer is the receiver of
God’s operations. But the best prayer is:
“Lord! Thou knowest all things. Do with me as Thou