St. Joanna the Myrrh-bearer (1st c.).
St. Sampson the Hospitable, of Constantinople (ca. 530). Uncovering of the relics of Optina Elders Leonid, Macarius, Hilarion, Ambrose, Anatole I, Barsanuphius, and Anatole II (1998).
St. Severus, priest, of Interocrea in Italy (6th c.). St. George of the Holy Mountain and Georgia (1065). Blessed Martin of Turov (after 1146). St. Serapion of Kozhaezersk Monastery (1611).
New Hieromartyr Gregory Nikolsky, priest, of Kuban (1918). New Hieromartyr Kirion II, catholicos-patriarch of Georgia (1918).
Hieromartyrs Crescens, Maximus, and Theonest, bishops of Mainz (Germany) (early 5th c.). Martyr Anectus of Caesarea in Cappadocia (304). Martyrdom of Monk Luke (Mukhaidze) of Holy Cross Monastery in Jerusalem (1277). Hieromartyr Pierius, priest, of Antioch.
Friday. [Rom. 16:1-16; Matt. 13:4-9]
The parable about the sower depicts
various relationships of souls toward the word of God. In
the first group stand those who do not heed the word at
all. They hear, but what is heard does not enter into
their soul; it lies on its surface, like the seed by the
wayside. The word does not fit in them because they have
another way of thinking, other principles, other tastes.
That is why it soon disappears from memory, is forgotten
as if it was not heard at all. The second group is of
those who hear the word willingly and receive it quickly,
but do not want to bear any labour to fulfil it.
Therefore, they delight in the word—especially its
promises—until a sacrifice is required. As soon as
the necessity arises to sacrifice something for
faithfulness to the word, they betray it, renouncing both
the word and its promises in order to cater to their
attachments. The third group is of those who receive the
word and begin to live according to it, but then give
themselves over to many cares and sorrows of the world, to
earthly concerns, which suppress all the good undertakings
which had just formed under the influence of the word of
God. The fourth group is of those who receive the word
with full faith and resolve to live according to its
requirements, with a readiness for all sacrifices and
labour, and do not allow their heart to be tied to
anything earthly. Sit and decide each of you, to which of
these groups you belong.