Great-martyr Eustathius Placidas, his wife Martyr Theopistes, and their sons Martyrs Agapius and Theopistus, of Rome (118).
Holy Martyrs Prince Michael and his counselor Theodore, of Chernigov (1245).
St. Oleg, prince of Bryansk, monk (1285). Synaxis of the Saints of Bryansk. Right-believing Prince John of Putivl (Ukraine) (14th c.).
Martyr John the Confessor, of Egypt, beheaded in Palestine, and with him 40 martyrs (310). Sts. Theodore and Euprepius and two named Anastasius, confessors and disciples of St. Maximus the Confessor (7th c.). St. John, monk, of Crete (1031). St. Eustathius, archbishop of Thessalonica (1194). New Monk-martyr Hilarion the Cretan, of St. Anne’s Skete, Mt. Athos, at Constantinople (1804). St. Meletius of Cyprus, bishop.
Saturday. [I Cor. 14:20-25; Matt. 25:1-13]
The parable of the ten virgins is read.
Saint Macarius portrays the meaning of it thus: “The
five wise virgins, in sobriety, hastening toward what was
unusual to their nature, taking the oil in the vessel of
their heart, that is the grace of the Spirit granted from
above, could enter with the Bridegroom into the heavenly
bridal chamber. The other foolish virgins, remaining in
their own nature, did not become sober, did not try while
they were still in the flesh to take in their vessels the
oil of joy, but due to carelessness or self-conceit over
their own righteousness, gave themselves over as if to
sleep. Because of this they were not admitted into the
bridal chamber of the kingdom, and were unable to please
the heavenly Bridegroom. Restrained by earthly bonds and
earthly so-called love, they did not dedicate all of their
love and devotion to the heavenly Bridegroom, and did not
bring oil. While the souls who have sought out the sacred
gift of the Spirit unusual to their nature are attached to
the Lord with all of their love, walk with Him, turn away
from everything, concentrate their prayers and thoughts
toward Him, and are made worthy to receive the oil of
heavenly grace. The souls remaining in their nature creep
with their thoughts along the earth, think about the
earth, and their mind dwells on the earth. They think of
themselves as belonging to the Bridegroom and are adorned
with justifications of the flesh; but not having received
the oil of joy, they have not been reborn through the
Spirit from above (Discourse 4:6).”