Paul the Confessor, archbishop of Constantinople (350).
St. Barlaam, founder of Khutyn Monastery (Novgorod) (1192).
Virgin-martyrs Tecusa, Alexandra, Claudia, Matrona, Polactia, Euphrosyne, and Athanasia, of Ancyra (303). St. Luke, monk, of Sicily (820). St. Luke, steward of the Kiev Caves (13th c.). St. Herman, archbishop of Kazan (1567). St. Barlaam of Keret (Karelia) (16th c).
New Hieromartyrs Nicetas (Delektorsky), bishop of Orekhovo-Zuevsk; Barlaam (Nikolsky), abbot, of Andreyevskoe (Moscow); Gabriel (Vladimirov), hieromonk of the St. Michael Skovorodsky Monastery (Novgorod); and Gabriel (Gur), hieromonk, of Lytkarino (Moscow) (1937). Synaxis of the New Martyrs of Sarov: Anatole, Basil, Hierotheus, Isaac, and Rufinus (1938).
St. Illtyd, abbot, of Llanilltyd Fawr, Wales (505). St. Leonard of Noblac (Gaul) (ca. 559). St. Winnoc, abbot, of Flanders (716). St. Cowey of Portaferry, abbot, of Moville Monastery (8th c.). St. Demetrianus, bishop of Cytheria on Cyprus (ca. 915). St. Elias Fondaminsky of Paris (1942).
Commemoration of the Sarov Elders: Abbot Pachomius (1794), Hieroschemamonk Joseph (1785), Hieromonks Pitirim (1789) and Matthew (1795), and Monk Joachim (1802).
Thursday. [I Thess. 5:1-8; Luke 11:47-12:1]
Beware ye of the leaven of the
Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. The distinguishing
feature of hypocrisy is to do everything for show. To do
things where others can see is not yet hypocrisy because a
large portion of our required deeds must be done for
people, and consequently amidst them and in their view.
And although those who manage to do everything secretly do
better, it is not always possible; this is why one cannot
immediately blame those who act in sight of others with
desire for ostentation or show. They might have a sincere
desire to do good, while showing others is a necessary
accompaniment for deeds done outwardly. Hypocrisy begins
the moment there appears the intention not to do good, but
only to show yourself as doing good. And this again is not
always an offence, because there can be a momentary attack
of evil thoughts which are immediately noticed and chased
away. But when one has it in mind to make a reputation for
himself as a benefactor, there is already hypocrisy, which
enters deeply into the heart. When a hidden goal of taking
advantage of the benefits of such a reputation is added to
this, then hypocrisy is in full vigour. Everyone, look at
what the Lord requires when He commands to beware of
the leaven of the Pharisees. Do good according to a
desire to do good to others, according to the
consciousness that God’s will is for this, unto the
glory of God. But do not worry about people looking at
it—and you will avoid hypocrisy.