Holy and All-Praised Apostle Philip (ca. 81-96).
St. Justinian the Emperor (565) and his wife St. Theodora (548). Repose of St. Alexander Nevsky (Alexis in schema), great prince of Novgorod (1263). St. Gregory Palamas, archbishop of Thessalonica (1360). St. Philip, founder of Irap Monastery (Novgorod) (1527).
New Hieromartyr Aristarchus (Zaglodin-Kokorev), hieromonk of St. Nicholas Peshnosha Monastery (Moscow) (1937).
St. Dyfrig, bishop in Hereford and Gwent, hermit, of Bardsey Island (ca. 550). St. Malo of Brittany (7th c.). Virgin Martyrs of Emesa (Syria) (779). St. Alberik, bishop of Utrecht (784). St. Fantinus the Younger, of Calabria (ca. 1000). New Martyr Panteleimon the Youth, of Asia Minor.
Repose of Archimandrite Lazarus (Moore) of Eagle River, Alaska (1992).
Friday. [II Thess. 3:6-18; Luke 13:31-35]
Behold, your house is left unto you
desolate, the Lord said about Jerusalem. This means
that there is a measure to God’s longsuffering.
God’s mercy is ready to be eternally patient,
awaiting good; but what should He do when we reach such
disorder that helping us is pointless? This is why we are
abandoned. So it will be in eternity as well. Everyone
says, “God’s mercy will not allow people to be
eternally outcast.” It does not want this; but what
can one do with those who are filled with evil and do not
want to correct themselves? They put themselves beyond the
limits of God’s mercy, and are left there because
they do not want to leave. Spiritualists have invented a
great number of reincarnations as a means for cleansing
sinners. But one who is defiled by sins in one incarnation
may be the same in ten others, and then without end. As
there is progress in good, so is there progress in evil.
On the earth we see people embittered in evil—they
could remain this way beyond the earth, and then forever.
When the end to everything comes, and it will inevitably
come, where is one to put those who are embittered in
evil? Of course somewhere outside of the bright region
determined for those who worked on themselves, for the
cleansing of their impurities. This is hell! Would those
who did not improve under the best of circumstances really
improve under the worst? And if not, this is eternal hell!
It is not God who is guilty of hell and the eternal
torments in it, but sinners themselves. If there were no
unrepentant sinners, there would be no hell. The Lord very
much desires for there to be no sinners; it is for this
that He came to the earth. If He desires sinlessness, this
means, that He desires that nobody fall into eternal
torments. Everything depends upon us. Let us agree and
destroy hell with sinlessness. The Lord will be glad of
this; He revealed hell so that everyone would be careful
not to end up there.