Orthodox Calendar 2020
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Преподобный Трифон Печенгский Священномученик Иларион (Троицкий) Преподобный Павел Латрийский
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December 15
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December 28
30th Week after Pentecost. Tone 4.
Nativity Fast.
Wine and oil allowed.

Совершается служба с полиелеемNew Hieromartyr Hilarion (Troitsky), archbishop of Verey (1929). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомHieromartyr Eleutherius, bishop of Illyria, and Martyrs Anthia (his mother), Coremonus the eparch, and two executioners who suffered with them (117-138). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. Paul of Mt. Latros (956). Совершается служба на шестьSt. Stephen the Confessor, archbishop of Surozh in the Crimea (ca. 790). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSynaxis of the Saints of the Crimea.

Martyr Eleutherius of Byzantium (beg. of 4th c.). St. Pardus, hermit, of Palestine (6th c.). St. Tryphon of Pechenga, or Kola (1583), and his martyred disciple Jonah (16th c.). Synaxis of the Saints of Kola.

Martyr Susanna the Deaconess, of Palestine (4th c.). Monk-martyr Bacchus of St. Sabbas Monastery, at Misr al-Fustat (Egypt) (787).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Monday. [Heb. 8:7-13; Mark 8:11-21]

   The Lord and the disciples sailed to the other side of the sea. The disciples had forgotten to bring bread; they had with them only one loaf, and were beginning to wonder what they should do. Knowing their thoughts, the Lord reminded them about the filling of the four thousand, and then five thousand people, thus uplifting them to the firm hope that with Him, they will not die of hunger, though they have not a single loaf of bread. How much anxiety people get from thoughts about an unknown future! There is only one relief from this anxiety—hope in the Lord; a sensible examination of what has already occurred with us and with others enlivens and strengthens. There is not a single person to be found who has never in his life experienced some unexpected deliverance from misfortune, or unexpected turns of his life for the better. Revive your soul with remembrance about these instances when gloomy thoughts begin to weary it about what to do. God will arrange everything for the better now, as before. Rely upon Him. He will send you good humor even before your deliverance, and you will not even notice your misfortune. Mercy shall encircle him that hopeth in the Lord (Ps. 31:10) Examine experiences of this in holy Scripture, in the lives of saints, in your own life, and in the lives of your acquaintances, and you will see, like in a mirror, how The Lord is nigh unto all them that call upon Him (Ps. 144:19). Then fears about your fate will not trouble your soul.


The Life of Holy Hieromartyr Hilarion (Troitsky), Archbishop of Verey

One of the most eminent figures of the Russian Orthodox Church in the 1920s was Archbishop Hilarion of Verey, an outstanding theologian and extremely talented individual. Throughout his life he burned with great love for the Church of Christ, right up to his martyric death for her sake. His literary works are distinguished by their strictly ecclesiastical content and his tireless struggle against scholasticism, specifically Latinism, which had been influencing the Russian Church from the time of Metropolitan Peter Moghila [of Kiev].

Reverend Hilarion Troitsky

In the morning the sun chased away the mists shrouding the beach. And at that point everyone saw the boat returning… It contained not four but nine people. And then everyone gathered on the quay, — monks, prisoners, guards, — all crossed themselves and went down on their knees. “A Miracle, indeed! The Lord has saved them!” came cries from the crowd.

Service to Holy Hieromartyr Hilarion (Troitsky) of Verey

All thy hope didst thou set on God, following His divine will; and in time of persecution thou didst take up the archpastoral staff as a cross, preparing thyself for martyrdom for the sake of Christ. Him didst thou confess before thy tormenters, enduring sufferings. And standing now before Christ, O Hilarion, thou dost rejoice with the holy Patriarch Tikhon. O Hilarion, most honored master, thy life was truly lived in accordance with thy name; for, having the serenity of prayer within thee, thou didst make manifest the joy of Pascha unto all.

The Life of Hieromartyr Hilarion (Troitsky), Archbishop of Verea

Andrei Gorbachev

“He simply would give away everything that he had—which they asked for. He wasn’t interested in his things. So someone, out of charity, had to look after his suitcase at any rate. And he had such a helper on Solovki, too…"

Hieromartyr Eleutherius the Bishop of Illyria, and His Mother

Saint Eleutherius, the son of an illustrious Roman citizen, was raised in Christian piety by his mother.

Venerable Paul of Latros

Saint Paul of Latros was a native of the city of Aelen in Pergamum. Early bereft of his father, he was educated at the monastery of Saint Stephen in Phrygia.

St. Stephen the Confessor the Archbishop of Sourozh in the Crimea

Saint Stephen the Confessor, Archbishop of Surrentium (Sourozh), was a native of Cappadocia and was educated at Constantinople.

Martyr Eleutherius at Constantinople

The Holy Martyr Eleutherius Cubicularius was an illustrious and rich chamberlain [“cubicularius”] at the Byzantine court.

Venerable Tryphon the Abbot of Pechenga (Kolsk)

Saint Tryphon of Pechenga and Kola, in the world Metrophanes, was born in the Novgorod governia into a priestly family.