Holy Myrrh-bearer and Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalen (1st c.).
Translation of the relics of Hieromartyr Phocas, bishop of Sinope (403-404).
St. Cornelius, monk, of Pereyaslavl (1693). Blessed Cyprian of Suzdal, fool-for-Christ (1622).
St. Cyril I, patriarch of Antioch (298). St. Wandregisilus of Caux (Gaul) (668). Virgin-martyr Marcella of Chios (14th c.).
Wednesday. [I Cor 7:12-24; Matt. 14:35-15:11]
Not that which goeth into the mouth
defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth,
this defileth a man. The Lord said this not because He
did not favour fasting, or because He considered it not
necessary for us—no, both He Himself fasted, and
taught the apostles to do so, and He established fasts in
his holy Church; but He said this so that we would not
only fast by eating little or only uncooked food, but
rather so that we would keep the fast in our soul, not
indulging it with desires and passionate inclinations. And
this is the important thing. Fasting serves as a powerful
means for this. The foundation of the passions in the
flesh; when the flesh is emaciated, then it is as if a
hole is dug under the passions and their fortress is
destroyed. Without fasting, overcoming the passions would
be a miracle, similar to being in a fire and not being
burned. How can he who profusely satisfies his flesh with
food, sleep and rest, keep anything spiritual in mind and
in his intentions? For him it is as easy to renounce the
earth, to contemplate and strive for the invisible world,
as would be for an old, decrepit bird to take flight and