Orthodox Calendar 2021
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Святые мученики Дасий, Гаий и Зотик Иларион Великий
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Old Style
October 21
New Style
November 3
20th Week after Pentecost. Tone 2.
Fast Day.
Wine and oil allowed.

Совершается служба на шестьSt. Hilarion the Great, of Gaza (371-372). Совершается служба на шестьTranslation of the relics of St. Hilarion, bishop of Meglin, Bulgaria (1206).

Martyrs Dasius, Gaius, and Zoticus, at Nicomedia (303). St. Hilarion, metropolitan of Kiev. Sts. Theophilus and James, monks of Konevits, founders of Dormition Monastery at Omutch (Pskov) (ca. 1412). St. Hilarion, founder of Pskovoezersk Monastery (Gdov) (1476).

New Hieromartyrs Paulinus (Kroshechkin), archbishop of Mogilev, and Arcadius (Yershov), bishop of Ekaterinburg, and with them Anatole Levitsky and Nicander Chernelevsky, priests, and New Martyr Cyprian Annikov (1937). New Hieromartyr Damian (Voskresensky), archbishop of Kursk (1937). New Hieromartyrs Constantine Chekalov, Sergius Smirnov, Basil Kozyrev, Theodore Belyaev, Vladimir Vvedensky, Nicholas Raevsky, John Kozyrev, Basil Nikolsky, Alexander Bogoyavlensky, Demetrius Troitsky, and Alexis Moskvin, priests, and Sergius Kazansky and John Melnitsky, deacons, all of the Tver diocese (1937). New Hieromartyr Alexis (Bui), bishop of Voronezh (1930). New Hieromartyrs Neophytus (Osipov), archimandrite, of Moscow, and Sophronius (Nesmeyanov), hieromonk, of Lozeva (Tver) (1937).

Hieromartyr Socrates, priest, and Martyr Theodote, of Ancyra (ca. 230). St. Ursula and her companions, martyrs at Cologne (beg. of 4th c.). St. Wendolinus (Wendel) of Trier (c. 617). St. Fintan Munnu of Teachmunnu (Ireland) (635). The 63 Martyrs of Jerusalem: Pegasus, Neophytus, Acacius, Dorotheus, Stephen, Dometius, Herman, Dionysius, Epiphanius, Stratonicus, Leontius, Emmanuel, Theophilus, Elias, John, Samuel, Eulampius, Alexius, Photius, Eutrepius, Methodius, Chariton, Theophylactus, Anastasius, Andronicus, Symeon, Theoktistus, Romanus, Paul, Agathonicus, Minas, Athanasius, Jacob, Nicephorus, Porphyrius, Timothy, Irenarchus, Auxentius, Joseph, Gregory, Callinicus, Aaron, Cyriacus, Theodosius, Eustathius, Isaac, Alexander, Eleutherius, Adrian, Christophor, Antiochus, Isidore, Parthenius, Sergius, Euplus, Ignatius, Theophanes, Cyril, Zachariah, and Anthimus (724). St. Malathgeny of Cluain-Edneach (Ireland) (767). Translation of the relics of St. Christodulus the Wonderworker, of Patmos (1093). St. Philotheus of Neapolis and Mt. Athos (14th c.). Sts. Bessarion (Sarai), hieromonk (1745), and Sophronius of Ciorara, monk (ca. 1765), confessors, and St. Oprea of Salistie (18th c.), martyred by the Latins in Romania. New Martyr John of Monemvasia, at Larissa (1773). Hiero-confessors John of Gales, and Moses (Macinic), priests, of Sibiel (Transylvania) (18th c.).

Repose of Schema-archimandrite Herman (Bogdanov) of New Valaam Monastery in Siberia (1938) and Schemanun Seraphima (Bobkova) of Shamordino Convent (1990).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Wednesday. [Col. 3:17-4:1; Luke 9:44-50]

           Whosoever shall receive Me, receiveth Him that sent Me, said the Lord, while He that sent Him is God. Consequently, whosoever confesses the Lord, confesses God; whereas whosoever does not confess Him, does not confess God. You will say: I confess Christ to be a great, most wise, universal teacher. No, confess Him as He Himself speaks of Himself, that He and the Father are one, persons of one Divine nature, separate, but one in honour and coreigning. If one does not confess thus, no matter how much he has honoured the Lord, it is the same as if he does not confess Him; while not being His confessor, he does not confess the Father either, he does not confess God. That is why, no matter what displays you make of honouring God, you do not honour Him if you do not confess the Lord Jesus Christ as the Only-Begotten Son of God, incarnate for our sake, and Who saved us through His death on the cross. It is not all the same which God one confesses as long as one confesses: those who worship the sun and stars, or invented creatures, are not called honourers of God, because they did not consider as God what is God. Thus, whosoever does not confess the Lord is not an honourer of God, because he does not confess the God who is the true God. The true God does not exist without the Son co-eternal and co-unoriginate. Therefore, once you cease to confess the Son, you no longer confess the true God. Only God will discern what your confession is worth; but since for us God is revealed as the true God, apart from this revelation one cannot have the true God.

Thursday. [Col. 4:2-9; Luke 9:49-56]

How should one relate to unbelievers who do not confess the Lord? The same way as the Lord related to the village that did not receive Him. Youthful zeal, full of heat, would want to send down fire from heaven on them; but the Lord Himself restrains it: Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of… The Lord and Saviour did not do anything to those who did not receive Him, though receiving Him is what salvation itself consists of; but passing them by, He went to another village, leaving them to themselves. The same applies now: let unbelievers go their way, and believers go theirs. God exists, Who will sort everyone out in good time. It is necessary to pity and pray for them; one must desire that they know the truth and try to find opportunities to hint to them about it; but when they openly start attacking the truth, give them a rebuff which is loving and yet brings them to their senses—and that is enough.


Venerable Hilarion the Great

Saint Hilarion the Great was born in the year 291 in the Palestinian village of Tabatha. He was sent to Alexandria to study. There he became acquainted with Christianity and was baptized.

Translation of the relics of Saint Hilarion, Bishop of Meglin in Bulgaria

The Transfer of the Relics of Saint Hilarion, Bishop of Meglin, to the Bulgarian city of Trnovo, occurred in the year 1206. Prior to this event, the body of the saint rested in the city of Meglin.

Martyrs Gaius, Dasius, and Zoticus at Nicomedia

The Martyrs Gaius, Dasius, and Zoticus of Nicomedia suffered martyrdom in the year 303, under the emperor Diocletian (284-305), because they destroyed a pagan temple.

Saint Hilarion, Metropolitan of Kiev

Saint Hilarion, priest of the prince’s village of Berestovo near Kiev, was the spiritual Father and companion of Prince Yaroslav.

Venerable Theophilus and Jacob, Abbots of Omutch, Pskov

Saint Theophilus and James, Abbots of Omutch in Pskov, lived the ascetic life on the island of Konev together with Saint Arsenius (June 12).

Venerable Hilarion of Pskov, Lake Gdov

Despite harsh conditions and insufficient means, Saint Hilarion maintained a high level of pious and ascetic life at the monastery, and made great efforts to adorn and build up the monastery.

Venerable Fintan Munnu, Abbot of Taghmon in Ireland

Dmitry Lapa

St. Fintan is venerated in both Ireland and Scotland where churches dedicated to him are to be found in various regions.

Venerable Philotheus of Dionysiou of Mount Athos

Saint Philotheos of Dionysiou Monastery on Mount Athos was a native of Elateia, and was born in 1526.