Forefeast of the Entry of the Most Holy Theotokos into the Temple.
St. Gregory of Decapolis (816).
St. Proclus, archbishop of Constantinople (446-447).
Martyr Dasius of Dorostolum in Moesia (284-305). Martyrs Eustace, Thespesius, and Anatolius, of Nicaea (312). Hieromartyr Nerses, bishop of Shahrqart (Kirkuk), and his disciple Martyr Joseph, and those martyred with them in Persia: Hieromartyrs John, Shapur, and Isaac, bishops of Seit Selok; Martyrs Guhshtazad, eunuch, Mari, Sasan, Tima, Noah, and Zaun, of Lashom; and Bautha, Denachis, Thecla, Dinaq, Tatun, Mama, Mazakya, Ana, Abyat, and Hatay (343). Venerable Diodorus the Abbot of Yuregorsk (1633). St. Parasceva (Rodimtseva), abbess of Toplovsky Convent (Simferopol) (1928).
New Hieromartyrs Macarius (Karmazin), bishop of Dnepropetrovsk, Arsenius (Dmitriev), abbot, of the Tikhvin Monastery, Eutychius (Kachur), abbot, of the St. Marcian Skete (Ukraine), Hilarion (Pisarets), hieromonk of Glinsk Hermitage, Alexis Amanov, archpriest, of Zaraisk (Moscow), Vladimir Medvediuk, archpriest, of Yazvishche (Moscow), Alexis Nikatov, archpriest, of Ignatovo (Moscow), John Savr, archpriest, of Tikhvin, and Alexander Sakharov, archpriest, of Petrovskoye (Ryazan) (1937). New Nun-martyr Ioannikia (Kozhevnikova), abbess of the Convent of the Entry of the Theotokos (Tikhvin) (1937).
St. Isaac, bishop of Armenia (440). St. Theoctistus the Confessor, of Constantinople (855). Martyr Edmund, king of East Anglia (869). St. Sozomen of Cyprus (12th c.).
Friday. [I Tim. 4:4-8, 16; Luke 16:15-18, 17:1-4]
It is impossible but that offences
will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!
Therefore, one cannot live offhand, uninhibitedly. One
must look around carefully not to tempt anyone. The mind
is arrogant and does not look at anyone; but it arouses
temptations all around in deed, and even more, in word.
Tempting increases and magnifies the woe of the tempter,
but he does not sense this and even further expands his
temptations. It is good that God’s threat in return
for tempting here, on the earth, is almost never fulfilled
in hopes of correction; it is put off until the future
judgement and retribution; only then will the tempters
feel how great is the evil of tempting. Here almost nobody
thinks about whether he tempts or doesn’t tempt
those around him in his deeds and words. Two sins which
are very great in the eyes of God are not regarded as
anything by people: tempting and condemnation. The
tempter, according to the word of the Lord, would be
better off not alive; he who condemns is already
condemned. But neither the former nor the latter think
about it and cannot even say whether they sin in any such
way. What blindness, indeed, surrounds us and how
carelessly we walk in the midst of death!
Saturday. [Gal. 3:8-12; Luke 9:57-62]
No man, having put his hand to the
plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of
God. That is, he who thinks to be saved while glancing
back at what he should abandon for the sake of his
salvation, is not being saved, is not walking, is not
directed toward the Kingdom of God. It is necessary to
destroy once and for all everything that is not compatible
with the work of salvation. Those who think to be saved
see this themselves, but they always put off parting with
certain attachments until tomorrow… To suddenly
break with everything is too great a sacrifice. They want
to give things up in a leisurely fashion, to not stand out
in front of others—but they almost always fail. They
introduce salvific routines, while the dispositions of
their heart remain as before. At first the incongruity is
very sharp: but “tomorrow,” and their promises
of change shut the mouth of their conscience. In such a
manner, with everything tomorrow— always
tomorrow—the conscience grows tired of saying the
same thing over and over, and at last, falls silent. Here
thoughts start to come that things can be left this way.
These thoughts strengthen, and then are established
forever. An exterior which is outwardly proper is formed,
with inner improperness. This is a whited sepulchre before
the eyes of God. The worst thing is that the conversion of
this sort of person is as difficult as the conversion of
those who have become hardened in open sins, if not more
difficult… Meanwhile, this person thinks that
everything is fine.