Orthodox Calendar 2021
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Святитель Амфилохий Иконийский Святитель Митрофан Воронежский Александр Невский
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November 23
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December 6
25th Week after Pentecost. Tone 7.
Nativity Fast.
Wine and oil allowed.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. Amphilochius, bishop of Iconium (ca. 395). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. Gregory, bishop of Agrigentum (680). Совершается служба с полиелеемBurial of St. Alexander Nevsky (Alexis in schema), great prince of Novgorod (1263). Совершается служба с полиелеемSt. Metrophanes (Macarius in schema), bishop of Voronezh (1703).

St. Sisinius the Confessor, bishop of Cyzicus (ca. 325). Martyr Theodore of Antioch (4th c.). St. Amphilochius of the Kiev Caves, bishop of Vladimir, Volhynia (1122).

New Hieromartyr Seraphim (Tievar), hieromonk, of Moscow (1932). New Hieromartyrs Boris (Voskoboinikov), bishop of Ivanovo, and Eleazar Spyridonov, priest, of Eupatoria, Crimea (1937).

St. Ischyrion, bishop in Egypt, and hermit, of Scetis (5th c.). St. Trudo, abbot, of Zirkingen (Neth.) (693). St. Dionysius I, patriarch of Constantinople (15th c.). St. Anthony of Iezeru-Vilcea (Romania) (1714). New Hieromartyr Gregory (Peradze), archimandrite, of Georgia, at Auschwitz, Poland (1942).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Monday. [I Tim. 5:1-10; Luke 17:20-25]

   Having said that the Son of Man will appear in his day like lightning, instantly illuminating everything under heaven, the Lord added: But first must He suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation. The word order here makes it apparent that this “must suffer” should precede Lord’s appearance in glory. Thus, the whole time until that day is the time of the Lord’s suffering. He suffered in His person at one known time; after that His sufferings continue in believers—suffering as they are born, their upbringing in the spirit and protection from actions of the enemy, both inner and outer—for the Lord’s union with His own is not just mental or moral, but living. Everything that touches them is accepted by Him as well, as the head. Therefore, it is impossible not to see that the Lord indeed suffers much. The most painful sorrows are the falls of believers; even more painful for Him is when they fall away from the faith. But these are the final wounds; as continuously wounding arrows are the sorrows, temptations, and wavering faith of unbelief. Words and writings that exude unbelief are kindled arrows of the evil one. Nowadays, the evil one has led many blacksmiths to forge such arrows. The hearts of believers ache when they are struck by them and see others being struck. The Lord aches too. But the day of the Lord’s glory will appear—then all the secret darkness will be revealed, and those who have suffered will rejoice with the Lord. Until that time we must endure and pray.


St. Amphilochius the Bishop of Iconium

Saint Amphilochius, Bishop of Iconium, was born in Caesarea in Cappadocia, a city which has given the world some of the greatest Fathers and teachers of the Orthodox Church.

St. Gregory the Bishop of Agrigentum

Saint Gregory, Bishop of Agrigentum, was born on the island of Sicily, in the village of Pretorium, not far from the city of Agrigentum, of the pious parents Chariton and Theodota.

Translation of the relics of St Alexander Nevsky

Veneration of the Prince began right at his burial, where a remarkable miracle took place.

Repose of St Alexander Nevsky

A very troublesome time had begun in Russian history: from the East came the Mongol Horde destroying everything in their path; from the West came the forces of the Teutonic Knights, which blasphemously and with the blessing of the Roman Pope, called itself “Cross-bearers” by wearing the Cross of the Lord. In this terrible hour the Providence of God raised up for the salvation of Russia holy Prince Alexander, a great warrior, man of prayer, ascetic and upholder of the Land of Russia. “Without the command of God there would not have been his prince.”

St. Alexander Nevsky, Russia’s Knight in Shining Armor

St. Alexander Nevsky was Russia’s “knight in shining armor.” His reputation as a man of exceptional valor and surpassing virtue inspired a visit by a German commander who told his people when he returned: “I went through many countries and saw many people, but I have never met such a king among kings, nor such a prince among princes.”

St. Metrophanes (in schema Macarius) the Bishop of Voronezh

The beginning of Saint Metrophanes’ tenure as bishop coincided with a dispute over the imperial succession, and a Church schism. Upon his arrival at Voronezh the saint first of all sent an encyclical to the pastors of his diocese, in which he urged his pastors to moral improvement.

Sisinius the Confessor, Bishop of Cyzicus

The Holy Confessor Sisinius was Bishop of Cyzicus in what is now Turkey.

Martyr Theodore of Antioch

The Holy Martyr Theodore of Antioch, a fifteen-year-old youth, was condemned to fierce torments by the emperor Julian the Apostate (361-363).

Venerable Anthony of Iezerul-Vilcea Skete

Saint Anthony the Hesychast was born in the sub-Carpathian Mountains of Vilcea county in Romania, and he loved Christ from his early childhood.

Holy Hieromartyr Grigol (Peradze) (†1942)

Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze

Archimandrite Grigol (Peradze) was born August 31, 1899, in the village of Bakurtsikhe, in the Sighnaghi district of Kakheti. His father, Roman Peradze, was a priest. In 1918 Grigol completed his studies at the theological school and seminary in Tbilisi and enrolled in the philosophy department at Tbilisi University.