Orthodox Calendar 2022
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Прп. Феодор Студит Преподобный Ксенофонт, супруга его Мария и сыновья их Аркадий и Иоанн Прп. Ксенофонт Робейский
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January 26
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February 8
34th Week after Pentecost. Tone 8.
No fast.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. Xenophon and his wife St. Mary, and their two sons Sts. Arcadius and John, of Constantinople (5th c.-6th c.).

Martyrs Ananias the priest, Peter the prison guard, and seven soldiers, in Phoenicia (295). St. Symeon the Ancient, of Mt. Sinai (390). St. Joseph the Confessor, archbishop of Thessalonica, brother of St. Theodore the Studite (830). Translation of the relics of St. Theodore the Confessor, abbot of the Studion (826). St. David the Builder, king of Georgia (1125). St. Xenophon, founder of Robeika Monastery (Novgorod) (1262).

St. Ammon of Egypt (350), disciple of St. Anthony the Great. St. Paula of Rome, monastic foundress in Palestine (404). St. Gabriel, abbot, in Jerusalem (ca. 490). St. Conon, bishop and monastic founder on the Isle of Man (648). St. Clement of Mt. Sagmation (12th c.).

Repose of Metropolitan Gabriel of Novgorod and St. Petersburg (1801), Metropolitan Joseph (Naniescu) of Suceava, Romania (1902) and Archimandrite Luka (Anic) of Dajbabe, Montenegro (2013).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Tuesday. [I Pet. 3:10–22; Mark 12:18–27]

   But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts (I Pet. 3:15). Sanctifying the Lord in one’s heart is the soul and spirit of the hidden man of the heart depicted above. As in the beginning, God created the body of man out of particles of dust, breathed into him the breath of life (cf. Gen. 2:7), and man became as he ought to be, so the hidden man of the heart, created on the inside from the indicated virtues, is only a real spiritual man when his heart sanctifies the Lord God. Thus, we read in the Lord’s Prayer, “Hallowed[1] Be Thy Name.” If this does not occur, then the man, who was modelled from the aforementioned virtues, will end up a stillborn child, without the spirit of life. Let this be known to those who think to get away with a few virtues without having any relationship to God! What does it mean to sanctify God in the heart? It means showing great reverence before Him unceasingly, always bearing in mind the thought of His omnipresence; being eager at every instant to zealously please Him, and with all fear to beware of everything unpleasing to Him. Especially, it means committing all of your temporal and eternal life unto His fatherly care; to accept all that happens humbly, submissively and thankfully, as coming straight from His hand.

[1]In the Slavonic, the words “sanctify” from the Epistle is the same as word as “hallowed” in the Lord’s prayer.


Saint Xenophon, his wife Maria, and their sons Arcadius and John

Saint Xenophon, his wife Maria, and their sons Arcadius and John, were noted citizens of Constantinople and lived in the fifth century.

Presbyter Ananias in Phoenicia

The Holy Martyrs Ananias the Presbyter, Peter the prison guard, and seven soldiers suffered in Phoenicia in the year 295.

Martyr Peter, in Phoenicia

Saint Peter was a prison guard who suffered in Phoenicia in the year 295 with the holy martyr Ananias the Presbyter and seven soldiers.

St. Simeon “the Ancient” of Mt. Sinai

Saint Simeon the Elder was so named in order to distinguish him from Saint Simeon the Stylite (September 1). He practiced asceticism in Syria in the fifth century, and in his childhood years went out into the Syrian wilderness and lived in a cave in complete solitude.

St. Joseph the Bishop of Thessalonica, and brother of St. Theodore of Studion

Saint Joseph, Archbishop of Thessalonica, was brother of Saint Theodore the Studite (November 11), and together they pursued a life of asceticism under the guidance of Saint Platon (April 5) in the monastery at Sakkudion, Bithynia.

Venerable Theodore the Confessor the Abbot of the Studion

Saint Theodore the Confessor, Abbot of the Studion was born in the year 758 at Constantinople into a family of the imperial tax-collector Photinus and his spouse Theoctiste, both pious Christians.

Blessed David IV the King of Georgia

This most valiant, powerful, and righteous Georgian king left his heirs with a brilliant confession when he died. It recalled all the sins he had committed with profound lamentation and beseeched the Almighty God for forgiveness.

Venerable Xenophon the Abbot of Robeika, Novgorod

Saint Xenophon of Robeika was a student of St. Barlaam of Khutyn.