Orthodox Calendar 2022
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Священномученики Евгений и Макарий Мавританские Прп. Феодор Санаксарский Мученики Максим и Феодот Адрианопольские
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Old Style
February 19
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March 4
Cheese-fare Week—no meat; fish and dairy allowed. Tone 3.
Cheese-fare Week—no meat.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомApostles Archippus and Philemon of the Seventy, and Martyr Apphia (1st c.). St. Theodore, abbot, of Sanaxar Monastery (1791).

Martyrs Maximus, Theodotus, Hesychius, and Asclepiodota of Adrianople (305-311). Sts. Eugene and Macarius, priests, confessors at Antioch (363). St. Rabulas of Samosata (ca. 530). St. Dositheus of Gaza (7th c.).

New Hieromartyr Vladimir (Terentiev), abbot, of Zosima Hermitage (Smolensk) (1933).

St. Mesrop the Translator, of Armenia (439). St. Conon, abbot in Palestine (555). New Nun-martyr Philothea of Athens (1589). New Hieromartyr Nicetas, hieromonk, of Epirus and Mt. Athos, at Serres (1809). St. Nicanor the New, abbot of Hilandar (1990).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse


So will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing, promises the Lord through the prophet Zechariah (Zech. 8:7–23). But under what condition? Under the condition that every man will speak the truth to his neighbour, that men will righteously sort out their affairs amongst themselves, that men will not remember wrongs in their hearts against their neighbour, that they will love no false oath, and will love truth and peace. If these conditions are met, says the Lord, they shall be My people, and I will be their God, in truth and righteousness (Zech. 8:8), and His blessing shall spread among them. Then all strangers shall hear and say, “Let us go speedily to them to pray before the Lord, for we have heard that the Lord is with them (cf. Zech. 8:21–3). Yea, many people and strong nations shall come to seek the Lord of hosts (Zech. 8:22).

Thus did the high moral purity of the first Christians attract people and nations to the Lord. Those who live always according to the spirit of Christ are, without the use of words, the best preachers of Christ and the most convincing apostles of Christianity.


Apostles Archippus and Philemon of the Seventy, and Martyr Apphia

Saints Archippus, Philemon and Apphia, Apostles of the Seventy were students and companions of the holy Apostle Paul.

Venerable Theodore of Sanaxar

When a team of investigators came to the forest looking for monks living there illegally, John was caught. Since he had no documents and admitted to being a sergeant in the Guard, he was brought to Saint Petersburg and taken to the empress Elizabeth. When he was taken to the empress, she asked, “Why did you desert my regiment?”

Martyrs Maximus, Theodotus, Hesychius, and Asclepiodota of Adrianople

The Holy Martyrs Maximus, Theodotus, Hesychius and Asclepiodota suffered for the Faith at Adrianopolis, during the persecution under the emperor Maximian (305-311).

Sts. Eugene and Macarius, priests, confessors at Antioch

The Holy Confessors Eugene and Macarius were presbyters of the Antiochian Church. During the reign of Julian the Apostate (361-363) they were brought to the emperor for trial for their refusal to participate in pagan orgies.

St. Rabulas of Samosata

Saint Rabulas was born in the Syrian city of Samosata and he received an excellent education.

The Life of Dositheus, the disciple of Abba Dorotheos

Some of the Instructions on spiritual life of the holy Abba Dorotheos are to be found in the Philokalia (English translation in Early Fathers from the Philokalia, pp. 149 ff). A marvelous fruit of these Instructions may be seen in the life of the disciple of Abba Dorotheos, St. Dositheus. The account that follows, included as a part of the Russian edition of the writings of Abba Dorotheos, is by an anonymous writer apparently contemporary with the two saints, and is an inseparable part of the life of the great Abba himself.

Venerable Conan, Abbot of the Pethukla Monastery

Saint Conan was born in Cilicia. While still at an early age he became a monk at the Pethukla monastery near the Jordan River, where he was ordained presbyter.

Saint Philothei: 16th Century Martyr, 21st Century Role Model

St. Philothei's life was not only inwardly holy, however; her actions followed Christ's words, again from the Gospel of John: "By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another" .