Martyrs Florus and Laurus, of Illyria (2nd c.).
Martyrs Hermes, Serapion, and Polyaenus, of Rome (2nd c.). Hieromartyr Emilian, bishop of Trebia in Umbria, and Martyrs Hilarion, Dionysius, Hermippus, and others (about 1,000), in Italy (ca. 300). Sts. John (674) and George (683), patriarchs of Constantinople. St. Macarius, abbot of the Pelecete Monastery (Bithynia) (840). Repose of St. John, founder of Rila Monastery (Bulgaria) (946).
New Hieromartyrs Augustine, archimandrite, of Orans Monastery, and Nicholas, archpriest, of Nizhni- Novgorod, and 15 people with them (1918).
St. Christodulus the Philosopher, called “the Ossetian,” of Georgia (12th c.). St. Barnabas and his nephew St. Sophronius, monks, of Mt. Mela near Trebizond (13th c.). St. Christopher, abbot, of Mt. Mela Monastery (1694). St. Sophronius of St. Anne’s Skete, Mt. Athos (18th c.). Martyr Juliana, near Strobilus. Martyr Leo, drowned near Myra in Lycia.
Repose of Schemamonk Nicholas “the Turk,” of Optina Skete (1893).
Wednesday. [II Cor. 6:11-16; Mark 1:23-28]
The demon praised the Saviour, but the
Saviour said to him: Hold thy peace, and come out of
him. Demons never say anything or do anything with a
good purpose—they always have something evil in
mind. So it was here. The Lord, not exposing their crafty
designs, decided it with a word: hold thy peace and come
out. He did not want to converse long with an evil spirit.
Here is a lesson for us. A person manages to do very
little of something good before a demon sits nearby and
begins to trumpet in his ears: “You are this and
that.” Do not listen and do not enter into
conversation with this flatterer, but immediately say
point blank: “Hold thy peace and come out,”
and erase his tracks with sighs and self-reproach, then
incense that place where he was with contrite prayer. He
wants to give rise to self-opinion and self esteem, and to
fan self-praise and vainglory from them—all of those
thoughts and feelings are the spiritual life the same as
thieves in everyday life. Like thieves that enter a house
to rob its goods, so these demons, taking root in a soul,
destroy all that is good in that soul and cast it away, so
that nothing remains for the Lord to praise later.