Orthodox Calendar 2022
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Великомученица Екатерина
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November 24
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December 7
26th Week after Pentecost. Tone 8.
Nativity Fast.
Monastic rule: cooked food, no oil.

Совершается служба на шестьGreat-martyr Catherine of Alexandria (305-313). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомGreat-martyr Mercurius of Caesarea in Cappadocia (ca. 259). Совершается служба на шестьMartyr Mercurius of Smolensk (1238).

Martyrs Augusta (Faustina) the Empress, Porphyrius Stratelates, and 200 soldiers, at Alexandria with Great-martyr Catherine (305-313). St. Mercurius the Faster, of the Far Caves in Kiev (14th c.). St. Simon, founder of Soiga Monastery (Vologda) (1561). St. Luke, steward of the Kiev Caves (13th c.).

New Hieromartyr Eugraphus Yevarestov, archpriest, of Ufa (1919). New Hieromartyrs Mitrophan Kornitsky and Alexander Levitsky, archpriests, of Starodub (Bryansk) (1937).

St. Hermogenes, bishop of Agrigentum (ca. 260). St. Romanus of Bordeaux (382). St. Gregory, founder of the monastery of the Golden Rock in Pontus. St. Portianus of Arthone (Gaul) (527). St. Protasius, hermit, of Auvergne (Gaul) (6th c.). Martyrs Flora and Maria, at Cordoba (851). St. Nicodemus the Younger, of Philokalos Monastery in Thessalonica (ca. 1305). Hieromartyr Clement, pope of Rome (101). Hieromartyr Peter, archbishop of Alexandria (311). St. Malchus of Chalcis in Syria (4th c.).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Wednesday. [I Tim. 5:22-6:11; Luke 18:15-17, 26-30]

   Whosoever shall not receive the Kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein. How is one to receive it as a little child? Here is how: in simplicity, with full heart, without a moment’s thought. A rational analysis is not applicable in the realm of faith. It can have place only on its threshold. An anatomist divides the whole body into its details, but does not see life. So also reason, no matter how much it reasons, does not comprehend the power of faith. Faith itself provides the contemplations which taken together show that faith completely satisfies all the needs of our nature, and obliges our consciousness, conscience, and heart to receive the faith. They receive it, and having received it, do not want to fall behind. Then, it is like tasting pleasant and healthy food. Having tasted once, we know that it is suitable, and we rank it amongst the nourishing substances. Chemistry does nothing to force this conviction, neither before nor after the tasting. Our conviction is founded upon direct, personal experience. Thus, the believer knows the truth of the faith directly. Faith itself instils in him the unshakeable conviction that it is faith. How, then, could faith be a faith of reason? In this lies the reasonableness of faith, to directly know that it is faith. Reason only ruins things, cooling faith and weakening life according to faith; but the main thing is that it is arrogant, and chases away God’s grace—an evil in Christianity of the first degree.


Great-Martyr Katherine

After praying fervently that night, St. Katherine fell asleep and dreamt that she was standing before the Virgin and Child. The Child’s face was turned away from her. When His mother asked Him to look at the beautiful girl, He said He wouldn’t until she changed her pagan ways and returned to the holy monk for guidance. Eagerly St. Katherine did so. The monk taught her about the One True God, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, and the Saviour of Mankind. St. Katherine soon believed in Jesus Christ with all her heart and was baptized.

Holy Great Martyr Catherine of Alexandria

Introducing herself, the saint confessed her faith in the One True God and with wisdom exposed the errors of the pagans. The beauty of the maiden captivated the emperor. In order to convince her and to show the superiority of pagan wisdom, the emperor ordered fifty of the most learned philosophers and rhetoricians of the Empire to dispute with her, but the saint got the better of the wise men, so that they came to believe in Christ themselves.

Holy Great Martyr Catherine

Metropolitan Anthony of Sourozh

And to her also occurred what we read today in the Gospel passage appointed for her commemoration day; about what will happen when the end of time approaches: There will be wars and rumors of wars, earthquakes, people will rise up against people, nations against nations; hatred will possess thousands of people…

Bride of Christ, St. Catherine of Alexandria

Pilgrms approach one by one to kiss the Saint’s precious relics, each with the secret prayer closest to his heart, and then bow to receive the ring blessed by her grace, to be worn forever in mystical union with the Heavenly Bridegroom – and all those illumined by the Holy Light of Sinai to exchange the worship of this world’s false gods for union with the Most High – inspired by the radiant example of our Princess among the Saints, the Holy Great-Martyr and All-Wise Bride of Christ, Catherine of Alexandria.

The Feast of Saint Catherine 2015

Archimandrite Justin Sinaites

This year many hundreds of pilgrims came to the monastery for the feast of Saint Catherine. Bishop Theophylaktos represented the Patriarch of Jerusalem. Bishop Meletios and Bishop Nicholas represented the Patriarch of Alexandria. They were joined by clergy and pilgrims from Greece, Georgia, and Russia.

Standing Sentry Over Love

Sr. Joanna

Not all are called to martyrdom. But all are called to incensive, courageous effort—for motion requires energy.

Great Martyr Mercurius of Caesarea, in Cappadocia

The Holy Great Martyr Mercurius, a Scythian by descent, served as a soldier in the Roman army.

Martyr Mercurius of Smolensk

The saintly soldier secretly led an ascetic life. He was strict in fasting, he was chaste, spending his nights at prayer, and spiritually preparing himself to suffer for Christ.

Empress Augusta, Porphyrius the General, the 50 philosophers and the 200 Soldiers martyred with the Great Martyr Catherine

The Empress was deeply impressed by the tenacious faith displayed by Saint Catherine, whose face was radiant with divine grace. After she had explained the Christian teaching to them, they too embraced the Christian faith.

Venerable Mercurius the Faster of the Kiev Caves

Saint Mercurius of Kiev Caves pursued asceticism in the Farther Caves in the fourteenth century, and was strict in fasting.

Venerable Simon, Abbot of Soiga Monastery, Vologda

Saint Simon of Soiga belonged to the Komel disciples of Saint Sergius of Radonezh.