Martyr Irenarchus and Seven Women-martyrs, at Sebaste (303). Monk-martyr Stephen the New (767).
Martyrs Basil, Stephen, Gregory (2), John, Andrew, Peter, Anna, and many others, who suffered with St. Stephen the New (767). Blessed Theodore, archbishop of Rostov (1394).
New Hieromartyr Seraphim (Chichagov), metropolitan of St. Petersburg (1937). New Hieromartyrs Raphael (Tyupin), hieromonk of the Zlatoustov Monastery (Moscow), and Monkmartyr Vincent (Nikolsky) of Optina Monastery (1937).
Hieromartyrs Timothy and Theodore, bishops; Peter, John, Sergius, Theodore, and Nicephorus, priests; Basil and Thomas, deacons; Monk-martyrs Hierotheus, Daniel, Chariton, Socrates, Comasius, and Eusebius; and Martyr Etymasius, at Tiberiopolis (361). St. Theodore, bishop of Theodosiopolis in Armenia (end of 6th c.). St. Oda, virgin, of Brabant (Neth.) (726).