Orthodox Calendar 2022
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Зачатие праведной Анны Икона Божией Матери ''Нечаянная Радость''
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December 9
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December 22
28th Week after Pentecost. Tone 2.
Nativity Fast.
Wine and oil allowed.

Совершается служба со славословиемThe Conception by St. Anna of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Righteous Anna (Hannah), mother of the Prophet Samuel (1100 b.c.). St. Sophronius I, bishop of Cyprus (6th c.). St. Stephen “the New Light,” of Constantinople (912).

Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Unexpected Joy.”

Commemoration of the Founding of the Church of the Resurrection at Jerusalem (335). Martyr Narses of Persia. St. Valeria of Aquitaine (2nd c.). Virgin-martyr Leocadia, at Toledo, Spain (303). Martyr Sositheus of Persia (553).

Repose of Archimandrite Theodosius of Tismana and Sophroniev Monasteries (1802) and Elder Anthimus the Bulgarian, of Mt. Athos (1867).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Thursday. [Heb. 7:1-6; Luke 21:28-33]

   And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be weighed down with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. “That day,” which means the last day of the world or of each of us, comes like a thief and captures like a net; that is why the Lord says: Watch ye therefore and pray always (Luke 21:36). While since satiation and vain fussing are the top enemies of vigil and prayer, one is forewarned not to permit oneself to be weighed down by food, drink and worldly worries. For one who has eaten, drunk, made merry; who has slept enough but does it again what vigil can there be? Is one who is occupied solely with worldly things, day and night, up for prayer? “What should I do?” you say. “It is not possible to go without food; and we have to procure it. So we have to concern ourselves with this.” But the Lord did not say, “do not work, do not eat, do not drink,” but rather, let not your heart be weighed down with this. Work with your hands, but keep your heart free; if you must eat—eat, but do not burden yourself with food; drink wine when necessary, but do not let it lead to disturbance of your head and heart. Divide your outer from your inner and make the latter your life’s work, and the former a sideline; keep your attention and heart in the latter, and only your body, arms, legs and eyes in the former. Watch ye and pray always, that you may be made worthy to stand fearlessly before the Son of Man. In order to be made worthy of this, it is necessary to establish yourself before the Lord while you are still here in your life; there is one means for this—vigilant prayer in the heart performed by the mind. He who is in such a state of mind will not be taken unawares on “that day”.


The Conception of the Holy Virgin Theotokos by Saint Anna

Sergei Bulgakov

Struck by the speech of the High Priest, as though by the awesome verdict of the judgment of God Himself, the righteous man had no time even to withdraw from the altar, as a new heavier insult struck his hearing. One of the Israelites bringing his gifts, pushed him away, said, “Depart from here, did you not hear that you are unworthy to bring gifts to God together with us, because you have not left offspring for Israel?” With deep humility Joachim accepted this accusation as if it were from the mouth of the very God, and with deep sadness left the temple.

Holy, Righteous Ancestor of God, Anna

Saint Anna was the daughter of Matthan the priest, who was of the tribe of Levi. St Anna’s family came from Bethlehem.

The Conception by Righteous Anna of the Most Holy Mother of God

For a long time Saint Anna was childless, but after twenty years, through the fervent prayer of both spouses, an angel of the Lord announced to them that they would be the parents of a daughter, Who would bring blessings to the whole human race.

Dormition of the Righteous Anna, the Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos

Saint Anna was the daughter of the priest Matthan and his wife Mary. She was of the tribe of Levi and the lineage of Aaron. According to Tradition, she died peacefully in Jerusalem at age 79, before the Annunciation to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Holy Prophetess Hannah as a Model for our Lives

Protopresbyter George Papavarnavas

The Prophetess Hannah knew God truly. She did not think of Him or know Him only from stories of others or from books, but she had an experience of God, having received the Holy Spirit, "Who spoke through the Prophets." When the Apostles received the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, whoever saw them or heard them speak, passed them off for drunks. The Prophetess Hannah, when she opened her heart to God inside the Temple, must have been "filled with the Holy Spirit," which is why Eli passed her off for a drunk.

Prophetess Hannah the mother of the Prophet Samuel

The Holy Prophetess Hannah dwelt in marriage with Elkanah, but she was childless. Elkanah took to himself another wife, Phennena, who bore him children.

St. Sophronius the Archbishop of Cyprus

Saint Sophronius, Archbishop of Cyprus, was born into a Christian family on Cyprus, and he studied many sciences, but most of all he devoted himself to the reading of Holy Scripture.

Icon of the Mother of God “the Unexpected joy”

The sinful youth, who was nevertheless devoted to the Theotokos, was praying one day before the icon of the All-Pure Virgin before going out to commit a sin. Suddenly, he saw that wounds appeared on the Lord’s hands, feet, and side, and blood flowed from them.