Orthodox Calendar 2023
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Святитель Ермоген, патриарх Московский и всея России
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March 2
1st Week of Great Lent. Tone 4.
Great Lent.
Monastic rule: xerophagy (bread, uncooked fruits and vegetables).

Совершается служба на шестьGreat-martyr Theodore the Tyro (306). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. Hermogenes, patriarch of Moscow and all Russia (1612).

St. Mariamne, sister of Apostle Philip (1st c.). Uncovering of the relics of Martyr Menas the Most Eloquent, of Alexandria (889). St. Theodore the Silent, of the Kiev Caves (13th c.). St. Barnabas, elder, of Gethsemane Skete of St. Sergius Lavra (1906).

New Hieromartyrs Paul Kosminkov, archpriest, of Lystsevo (Moscow), Mikhail Nikologorsky, priest, of Shchelkovo (Moscow) (1938).

Weeping “Tikhvin” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, St. Elias Skete, Mt. Athos.

St. Auxibius, bishop of Soli on Cyprus (102). St. Mesrop Mashtots of Armenia (440). St. Finan, bishop of Lindisfarne (661). St. Theodosius, monastic founder at Mt. Kelifarevo (1363), and his disciple St. Romanus (14th c.), of Turnovo (Bulgaria). New Martyr Michael Mavroeidis of Adrianople (1490). New Martyr Theodore of Byzantium, at Mytilene (1795). New Hieromartyr Theodore of Adjara, hieromonk, at Mt. Athos (1822). St. Nicholas Planas, priest, of Athens (1932). Synaxis of Holy Emperor Marcian (457) and St. Pulcheria, his wife (453).

Repose of Elder Agapitus of the Kiev Caves (1887) and Schemamonk John (Shova) of Kolitsou Skete, Mt. Athos (2009).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse


   Fear the Lord, and depart from evil (Prov. 3:7). Set this as the goal of your preparation for Holy Communion, so that at the end of this preparation the fear of God will dwell in you, and a firm intention to avoid every evil will take root, even if you should have to lose everything, including your life, in order to do so. Do not limit yourself to an external routine of preparation alone, but focus in particular on yourself, enter within yourself and examine your views, whether they are in agreement in all things with the true word of God. Examine your inclinations and dispositions, whether they are what the Lord demands of you in the Gospels. Examine your whole life, whether it agrees with God’s commandments in every way. Mourn and hate whatever is offensive to God, and set in your mind never to do it again. If you do this, you will be most wise; but you would most unwise not to do this.


Greatmartyr Theodore the Tyro (“the Recruit”)

In memory of this occurrence, the Orthodox Church annually celebrates the holy Great Martyr Theodore the Recruit on the first Saturday of Great Lent.

1st Saturday of Great Lent: The Miracle of the Boiled Wheat

Today we remember the miracle of Saint Theodore the Recruit and the boiled wheat.

Hieromartyr Hermogenes the Patriarch of Moscow and Wonderworker of All Russia

On Bright Monday in 1611, the Russian militia approached Moscow and began the seige of the Kremlin, which continued for several months. Besieged within the Kremlin, the Poles often sent messengers to the Patriarch with the demand that he order the Russian militia to leave the city, threatening him with execution if he refused. The saint firmly replied, "What are your threats to me? I fear only God. If all our enemies leave Moscow, I shall bless the Russian militia to withdraw from Moscow; but if you remain here, I shall bless all to stand against you and to die for the Orthodox Faith."

St. Mariamne the sister of the Apostle Philip

Righteous Mariamne “The Apostolic Virgin” and sister of the holy Apostle Philip (November 14), made a vow of virginity and became the companion of her brother Philip and the holy Apostle Bartholomew (June 11), actively assisting them in their apostolic work.

Martyrs Menas the Most Eloquent, Hermogenes, and Eugraphus, of Alexandria

The Holy Martyrs Menas, Hermogenes, and Eugraphus suffered for their faith in Christ under the emperor Maximian (305-313).

Venerable Theodore the Silent of the Kiev Caves

Saint Theodore the Silent of the Caves chose the exploit of silence, in order to dwell constantly in remembrance of God, and to safeguard himself from temptation even by a word.

Holy Hieromartyrs Vasily Sungurov, Sergei Kudryavtsev, and Mikhail Nikologorsky

Priest Dimitry Vydumkin

The more Christians were persecuted, the more numerous they became. The persecuted Church did not disappear, as persecutors had planned, but was transformed into a flourishing Church.

St. Auxibius Bishop of Soli, Cyprus

Saint Auxibius was born at Rome in a rich family. He was raised with his brother Tempstagoras, and from an early age he displayed remarkable talents.

St. Theodosius, monastic founder at Mt. Kelifarevo, and his disciple St. Romanus, of Turnovo (Bulgaria).

Saint Theodosius the Bulgarian and his disciple Romanus. Saint Theodosius began his exploit in the city of Viddino, at the Nikolaev monastery.

New Martyr Theodore

The Holy New Martyr Theodore was born of pious parents in Neochorion near Constantinople in 1774. He worked in the palace of the Sultan, where he converted to Islam.