Orthodox Calendar 2023
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Мученик Сухий Месукевийский
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Old Style
April 15
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April 28
2nd Week after Pascha. Tone 1.
Fast Day.
Fish, wine and oil allowed.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомApostles Aristarchus, Pudens, and Trophimus, of the Seventy (ca. 67).

Martyrs Basilissa and Anastasia, of Rome, disciples of Apostles Peter and Paul (ca. 68). Martyr Sukia and his companions: Andrew, Anastasius, Thalaleus, Theodoretus, Ivchirion, Jordan, Quadratus, Lucian, Mimnenus, Nerangius, Polyeuctus, James, Phocas, Domentianus, Victor, and Zosima (Chorimos), of Georgia, in Armenia (100-130). Martyr Sabbas the Goth, at Buzau in Wallachia (372). St. Mstislav-Theodore, prince of Kiev (1132). Righteous Daniel of Achinsk, Siberia (1843).

St. Ruadhan, founder and abbot of Lothra (Ireland) (ca. 584). St. Leonidas, bishop of Athens (ca. 6th c.). Martyr Pausilipus of Thrace (ca. 117-138). Martyr Crescens of Myra in Lycia (3rd c.).

Repose of Hieroschemamonk Michael (Pitkevich) of Valaam and Pskov Caves (1962), and Bishop Stephen (Nikitin) of Kaluga (1963).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Friday. [Acts 5:1–11; John 5:30–6:2]

   Why did Ananias and Sapphira sin so badly? Because they forgot that God sees their deeds and thoughts. If they kept in mind that God sees everything both internal and external more clearly than all people see, even with regard to themselves, it would not have entered their mind to lie in such a way before the Apostles. This is why all of our sins and sinful plans arise. We contrive to conceal everything from the gaze of man, and think that everything is fine. People seem not to see anything, assume we are in good shape; but this does not change our essential nothingness. Knowing this, repeat each of you to yourself: why doth Satan fill my heart to lie before the face of God? His eyes which are brighter than the sun see into the innermost recesses of the heart; neither night nor sea, nor cave are concealed from Him. Remember this and so arrange your inward and outward behaviour, though it be unseen. If the All-seeing One were alien to us, it would be possible to regard His omniscience indifferently. But He is judge, and He often pronounces His judgment, by virtue of His Omniscience, sooner than we expect. It could be that He has already pronounced judgment upon us the very moment we thought to hide ourselves and our sins with a dark lie, saying, “God doesn’t see!”


Apostle Aristarchus of the Seventy

Saint Aristarchus was one of the Seventy Apostles, whom the Lord Jesus Christ sent to proclaim the good news of the Gospel.

Apostle Pudens of the Seventy

Saint Pudens was one of the Seventy Apostles whom the Lord Jesus Christ sent before him with the good news of the Gospel.

Apostle Trophimus of the Seventy

Saint Trophimus hailed from the city of Edessa.

Martyrs Basilissa and Anastasia, of Rome, disciples of Apostles Peter and Paul

The Holy Women Martyrs Basilissa and Anastasia lived in Rome and were converted to Christianity by the holy Apostles Peter and Paul. They devoted themselves to the service of the Lord.

Holy Martyr Sukia and His Sixteen Companions (ca. 100–130)

Archpriest Zakaria Machitadze

The holy martyrs Sukia, Andrea, Anastasi, Talale, Teodorite, Ivkirion, Iordane, Kodrate, Lukiane, Momnanos, Nerangios, Polievktos, Iakob, Poka, Domentian, Bictor, and Zosime were Georgian noble lords who served the Albanian government (in the southeastern Transcaucasus) in the 1st century a.d.

Martyr Suchias and his Soldiers in Georgia

The Holy Martyr Suchias and his 16 Georgian Companions were illustrious dignitaries who served at the court of the Albanian (Hagbanite) ruler (i.e. “Caucasian Albania” on the present day territory of Azerbaizhan).

Martyr Sava the Goth of Wallachia

The Holy Martyr Sava, a Goth, lived during the fourth century. At this time the Arian bishop Wulfilas preached Christianity among the Goths, and Saint Sava was among those who were baptized.