Orthodox Calendar 2023
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Святитель Николай, епископ Жичский Мученик Гавриил Белостокский
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Old Style
April 20
New Style
May 3
3rd Week after Pascha. Tone 2.
Fast Day.
Fish, wine and oil allowed.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. Theodore Trichinas ('the Hair-shirt Wearer'), hermit, near Constantinople (400).

Blessed Gregory (593) and Anastasius I, patriarchs of Antioch (599). St. Anastasius, abbot, of the monastery of St. Catherine at Sinai (695). St. Alexander, founder of Oshevensk Monastery (Arkhangelsk) (1479). Child-martyr Gabriel of Slutsk (Poland) (1690). Translation of the relics (1991) of St. Nikolai (Velimirovich), bishop of Ochrid and Zhicha (1956) from America to Serbia.

New Hiero-confessor Theodosius (Ganitsky), bishop of Kolomna (1937).

Apostle Zacchaeus of the Seventy, bishop of Caesarea in Palestine (1st c.). Sts. Bretanion (Vetranion) (ca. 378), and Theotimus (ca. 412), bishops of Tomis in Moesia. St. Caedwalla, king of the West Saxons (689). Hieromartyr Anastasius II, patriarch of Antioch (609). Sts. Athanasius (1380) and Ioasaph (1423) of Meteora, abbots.

Repose of Schemamonk Ignatius of St. Nicephorus Monastery in Olonets (1852).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Wednesday. [Acts 8:18–25; John 6:35–39]

   Saint Peter says to Simon: Thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter: for thy heart is not right in the sight of God. Repent therefore of this thy wickedness, and pray God, if perhaps the thought of thine heart may be forgiven thee (Acts 8:21–22). Thou hast no part… But Simon did not even begin to think that he had gone so far astray; externally he had not done anything outrageous, only his thinking was wrong—so wrong, that the Apostle was uncertain as to whether it would be forgiven him even if he repented and prayed God. That is how important the heart’s disposition is, and the thoughts proceeding from it according to this disposition! Judging by this, a person may be one way on the outside, and completely another way on the inside. Only God sees this inner state, and those to whom the Spirit of God, which trieth all hearts, reveals it. With what fear and trembling must we work out our salvation! And how sincerely and zealously must we pray to God: Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me (Ps. 51). Then, at the judgment, something terrible and amazing will happen. The Lord will say: I know you not (Matt. 25:12) to those who were not only sure of their own godliness, but who also appeared godly to everyone else. What remains for us to do? Only to cry out: “Thou who knowest all things, save us O Lord!” As Thou knowest, give a saving formation to our heart!


Venerable Theodore Trichinas “the Hair-Shirt Wearer” and Hermit Near Constantinople

Saint Theodore Trichinas was born in Constantinople, the son of wealthy and pious parents. From childhood Saint Theodore was inclined toward monasticism, so he left his home, family, and former life in order to enter a monastery in Thrace.

Venerable Anastasius the Abbot of Sinai

Saint Anastasius of Sinai lived in the seventh century, and was one of the great ascetics who flourished on Mt. Sinai.

Venerable Alexander the Abbot of Oshevensk

Saint Alexander of Oshevensk (+ 1479) was the founder of the Oshevensk Dormition Monastery, and enlightener of the Kargopol area, and was tonsured in the White Lake Monastery.

Childmartyr Gabriel of Bialystok

Child Martyr Gabriel of Bialystok was killed in Poland when he was only six years old.

Bishop Nikolai Velimirovich: Serbia's New Chrysostom

While the mere facts of Bishop Nikolai's life inspire awe, such a skeletal portrait does not explain his spiritual magnetism and the soul-penetrating power of his writings. These were the fruit of his life-long striving to know and to serve the Truth, which, in turn, kindled a habit of ceaseless prayer and a practiced consciousness of continually abiding in the presence of God.

Repose of St Nikolai of Zhicha

He was a man of compunctionate prayer, and possessesed the gift of tears which purify the soul. He was a true pastor to his flock protecting them from spiritual wolves, and guiding them on the path to salvation. He has left behind many soul-profiting writings which proclaim the truth of Christ to modern man.

Apostle Zacchaeus

The holy Apostle Zacchaeus was a rich publican at Jericho.

St. Theotimus the Bishop of Lesser Scythia

Saint Theotimus the Scythian was Bishop of Tomis in Scythia. He was a native of Dacia Pontica, and was part Roman.