Nine Martyrs at Cyzicus: Theognes, Rufus, Antipater, Theostichus, Artemas, Magnus, Theodotus, Thaumasius, and Philemon (286-299). St. Memnon the Wonderworker, of Corfu (2nd c.). St. Nektary, elder, of Optina Monastery (1928).
Martyrs Diodorus and Rhodopianus, deacon, at Aphrodisia in Anatolia (284-305). St. Basil the Wonderworker of Ostrog, metropolitan of Zahumlje (1671). Holy Martyrs of Lazeti (Georgia) (17th c.-18th c.). Glorification of St. Amphilochius the Wonderworker, of Pochaev (1970).
St. John Tolaius, patriarch of Alexandria (482). St. Secundellus, deacon, in Gaul (6th c.). St. Wilfrid II, bishop of York (744). St. Nicetas, abbot, of Synnada (9th c.). St. Nicephorus of Sebaze (9th c.). St. John the New Merciful One, metropolitan of Thebes (12th c.). St. Arsenius, archbishop of Suzdal (1627). New Martyr Vasilije of Pec (17th c.). New Martyr Stanko the Shepherd, of Montenegro (1712). Apostles Jason and Sosipater, of the Seventy (63).
Repose of Hieromonk Eulogius of Valaam (1969).
Friday. [Acts 10:44–11:10; John 8:21–30]
They asked the Lord: Who art
Thou? He answered: Even the same ... from the
beginning (John 8:25). He is in front, behind Him are
the holy Apostles, behind the Apostles are the pastors and
teachers and the entire Church of Christ. Judge now who
are the true avant guarde. Since for so long so
many have followed them and will still follow them, they
have not ceased to be in front, for they continue to be in
front, while all others follow them. Thus for us
Christians there already is an avant guarde; and if
someone attempts to push new people to the fore—it
is obvious that they must be understood as being an
avant guarde heading in the opposite direction;
that is, on the path which leads to the bottom of hell.
There is nothing to add to this. Be on your
guard—for who among you is an enemy to himself? Try
only to understand this in a real way; hold firmly to the
known truth of Christ, and let the others say what the