Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Преподобный Макарий Великий Святитель Марк Евгеник, архиепископ Ефесский Преподобный Савва Сторожевский
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January 19
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February 1
35th Week after Pentecost. Tone 1.
No fast.

Совершается служба на шестьSt. Macarius the Great of Egypt (390-391). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. Mark, archbishop of Ephesus (1444). Blessed Theodore of Novgorod, fool-for-Christ (1392). St. Macarius the Roman, abbot (Novgorod) (16th c-17th c.).

Virgin-martyr Euphrasia of Nicomedia (303). St. Macarius of Alexandria (394-395). St. Anthony the Stylite, of Martqopi, Georgia (6th c.). St. Arsenius, archbishop of Corfu (8th c.). St. Macarius the Faster, of the Kiev Caves (12th c.). St. Macarius, hierodeacon of the Kiev Caves (13th c.-14th c.). Uncovering of the relics of St. Sabbas, founder of Storozhev Monastery (Zvenigorod) (1652).

New Hieromartyr Peter Skipetrov, archpriest, of Petrograd (1918).

St. Branwalader (Breward) of Cornwall and the Channel Islands (6th c.). Martyr Anthony Rawah the Qoraisite (797). Translation of the relics (950) of St. Gregory the Theologian (389). St. Meletius, confessor, of Mt. Galesion, monk (1286).

Repose of Schemanun Anatolia of Diveyevo (1949).


Venerable Macarius the Great of Egypt

After he buried his wife, Macarius told himself, “Take heed, Macarius, and have care for your soul. It is fitting that you forsake worldly life.”

St. Mark the Archbishop of Ephesus

Saint Mark Eugenikos, Archbishop of Ephesus, was a stalwart defender of Orthodoxy at the Council of Florence.

Righteous Theodore of Novgorod the Fool-For-Christ

Blessed Theodore of Novgorod was the son of pious parents, wealthy citizens of Novgorod.

Venerable Macarius the Roman of Novgorod

He lived in an age when the Christian West was shaken by the Protestant Reformation. While others around him were pursuing luxury and lascivious pleasures, he studied the Holy Scriptures and the writings of the Fathers.

Virginmartyr Euphrasia of Nicomedia

The Holy Virgin Martyr Euphrasia was born at Nicomedia into an illustrious family. She was a Christian, and was noted for her beauty.

Venerable Macarius of Alexandria

Saint Macarius of Alexandria was a contemporary and friend of Saint Macarius of Egypt (January 19). He was born in the year 295, and until the age of forty he was occupied in trade. Later, he was baptized and withdrew into the desert, where he spent more than sixty years.

St. Anthony the Founder of Monasticism in Georgia

Our holy father Anton of Martqopi arrived in Georgia in the 6th century with the rest of the Thirteen Syrian Fathers and settled in Kakheti to preach the Gospel of Christ.

St. Arsenius the Archbishop of Kerkyra (Corfu)

Because of his great virtue, Saint Arsenius was consecrated as Archbishop of Kerkyra. He became a defender of widows, a father to orphans, and a comfort for the sorrowful, and so God rewarded him with the gift of miracles.

Venerable Macarius the Faster, of the Kiev Near Caves

Saint Macarius the Faster of the Near Caves of Kiev was a deacon.

Venerable Macarius the Deacon of the Kiev Caves

Saint Macarius lived during the thirteenth-fourteenth centuries, and was distinguished by his lack of covetousness.

Venerable Sava the Abbot of Zvenigorod the Disciple of the Venerable Sergius of Radonezh

Saint Sava Storozhevsky of Zvenigorod left the world in his early youth, and received the monastic tonsure from Saint Sergius of Radonezh, whose disciple and fellow-ascetic he was.

Two Saints of the Channel Islands: Helier and Branwalader

We hope and pray that the veneration of these two early saints of the Channel Islands, which many centuries ago expressed the Orthodox traditions of Celtic Wales and Cornwall and mainland Gaul alike, will revive among Orthodox believers and that the Orthodox faith will be restored in this unique small region between England and France.

St. Gregory the Theologian the Archbishop of Constantinople

Saint Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople, a great Father and teacher of the Church, was born into a Christian family of eminent lineage in the year 329, at Arianzos.