Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Прп. Анатолий Оптинский (Старший) Икона Божией Матери ''Утоли моя печали'' Священномученик Владимир, митрополит Киевский и Галицкий
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January 25
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February 7
36th Week after Pentecost. Tone 2.
Fast Day.
Fish, wine and oil allowed.

Совершается служба с полиелеемSt. Gregory the Theologian, archbishop of Constantinople (389). St. Anatole I (Zertsalov), elder, of Optina Monastery (1894). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомNew Hieromartyr Vladimir, metropolitan of Kiev, protomartyr of the Communist yoke in Russia (1918).

Martyrs Felicitas of Rome and seven sons: Januarius, Felix, Philip, Silvanus, Alexander, Vitalis, and Martial (ca. 164). St. Publius, ascetic, of Euphratensis in Syria (ca. 380). St. Mares the Singer, of Omeros near Cyrrhus (ca. 430). St. Moses, archbishop of Novgorod (1362). St. Gregory, abbot, of Staro-Golutvin Monastery and bishop of Kolomna (15th c.).

New Hieromartyrs Peter (Zverev), archbishop of Voronezh (1929) and Basil (Zelentsov), bishop of Priluki (1930). New Martyr Abbess Margaret (Gunaronulo) of Menzelino (1918). New Martyr Athanasia (Lepeshkin), abbess of the Smolensk Hodigitria Convent, near Moscow (1931).

Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Assuage My Sorrow” and “Unexpected Joy.” (1640)

St. Castinus, bishop of Byzantium (240). St. Bretanion (Vetranion), bishop of Tomis in Moesia (ca. 380). St. Apollo of the Thebaid, monk (4th c.). Hieromartyr Praejectus, bishop of Clermont (676). St. Demetrius, the skevophylax (“keeper of the sacred vessels”), of Constantinople (8th c.). New Martyr Auxentius of Constantinople (1720). St. Gabriel, bishop of Imereti (Georgia) (1896).

Repose of Archpriest Sergius Orlov of Akulovo (1975).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Wednesday. [Eph. 3:8-21; Mark 11:23-26]

   If you do not forgive others’ trespasses against you, then your heavenly Father will not forgive you your trespasses, said the Lord. Who does not forgive others? A righteous person, or one who considers himself righteous. To such a person nothing remains other than to judge, pronounce sentences, and demand execution of the guilty. Does a man who feels guilty have any time for others? Would his tongue dare to judge another and demand gratification from him, when his own conscience unceasingly convicts and unceasingly threatens him with God’s righteous judgment? So, is it better to sin than to be self-righteous? No, in every way be zealous for righteousness; but with all of your righteousness, recognize that you are an unworthy slave, and recognize this with undivided thought—that is, not that the thought of your unworthiness is in the foreground, while the feeling of righteousness hides in the background, but preserve a full awareness and feeling of yourself as unworthy. When you attain this, (and you must work for this, for it is not acquired suddenly), then no matter how your brother trespasses against you, you will not call him to account, because your conscience will be repeating: “and you do not deserve this only, it is not enough for you.” Then you will forgive him; and having forgiven, you yourself will be made worthy of forgiveness. So for your whole life let there be forgiveness after forgiveness, and at the judgment all will be forgiven you.


St. Gregory the Theologian the Archbishop of Constantinople

Saint Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of Constantinople, a great Father and teacher of the Church, was born into a Christian family of eminent lineage in the year 329, at Arianzos.

Venerable Anatole I of Optina

From a very early age, Alexis wanted to become a monk. He even thought about going to the Roslavl forests to live with the hermits at that place.

St. Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev and Gallich

The holy Metropolitan Vladimir of Kiev was the first bishop to be tortured and slain by the Communists at the time of the Russian Revolution.

Martyr Felicitas of Rome, and Seven Sons

The Holy Martyr Felicitas with her Seven Sons, Januarius, Felix, Philip, Silvanus, Alexander, Vitalius and Marcial. Saint Felicitas was born of a rich Roman family. She boldly confessed before the emperor and civil authorities that she was a Christian.

St. Publius the Ascetic of Syria

Saint Publius of Syria was born in the city of Zeugma on the Euphrates and was a senator.

St. Mares the Singer in Syria

Saint Mares the Singer lived in a hut in fasting and prayer for thirty-seven years in the village of Homeron, not far from the city of Cyrrhus in Syria.

St. Moses the Archbishop of Novgorod

In his youth he secretly left his home and entered Tver’s Otroch monastery, where he became a monk. His parents found him, and at their insistence he transferred to a monastery near Novgorod.

The Icon of the Mother of God “Assuage my sorrow”

The “Assuage my Sorrows” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was glorified at Moscow by many miracles in the second half of the eighteenth century, particularly during a plague in 1771.

Icon of the Mother of God “the Unexpected joy”

The sinful youth, who was nevertheless devoted to the Theotokos, was praying one day before the icon of the All-Pure Virgin before going out to commit a sin. Suddenly, he saw that wounds appeared on the Lord’s hands, feet, and side, and blood flowed from them.

New Martyr Auxentius of Constantinople

Auxentius often prayed at the church of the Life-Giving Fountain, asking God to give him strength to become a martyr. Then he returned to his old ship, where his former shipmates began to beat him. They dragged him before the kadi, stating that he had converted to Islam, but then returned to Christianity.

St. Gabriel, Bishop of Imereti

Bishop Gabriel (Kikodze) was born November 15, 1825, in the village of Bachvi, in the western Georgian district of Ozurgeti in Guria. His father was the priest Maxime Kikodze.