Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Прп. Ефрем Сирин Суморинская-Тотемская икона Божией Матери Преподобный Феодосий Тотемский
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February 10
36th Week after Pentecost. Tone 2.
No fast.

Совершается служба на шестьSt. Ephraim the Syrian (373-379). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. Theodosius, founder of Totma Monastery (Vologda) (1568).

St. Palladius the Hermit, of Antioch (4th c.). St. Isaac the Syrian, bishop of Nineveh (6th c.-7th c.). St. Ephraim, founder of the Sts. Boris and Gleb Monastery (Novotorzhok) (1053). St. Ephraim of the Kiev Caves, bishop of Pereyaslavl (ca. 1098).

New Hieromartyr Ignatius (Sadkovsky), bishop of Skopin (1938). New Hieromartyrs Vladimir Pishchulin, priest, at Simferopol, and Bartholomew (Ratnykh), hieromonk, at Feodosia (Crimea) (1938). New Hiero-confessor Archimandrite Leontius (Stasevich) of Jablechna (Poland), who reposed at Mikhailovsk (Ivanovo) (Russia) (1972). New Hiero-confessor Arsenius (Stadnitsky), metropolitan of Tashkent and Turkestan (1936).

St. James the Ascetic, of Porphyreon in Palestine. St. Valerius, bishop of Saragossa (315). St. John of Reomans (Gaul) (544).


St. Ephraim the Syrian

The prayer may be said to capsulize the teaching of this eloquent Holy Father of the Church, who left several volumes of spiritually instructive writings which merited high praise from his illustrious contemporaries, St. Basil the Great and his brother St. Gregory of Nyssa. The life of St. Ephraim is perhaps no less instructive.

Venerable Theodosius the Abbot of Totma, Vologda

At the monastery Theodosius passed through the various obediences: he carried water, chopped fire-wood, milled flour and baked bread.

Venerable Palladius the Hermit, of Antioch

Saint Palladius the Desert Dweller led an ascetical life in a certain mountain cave near Syrian Antioch.

St. Isaac the Syrian the Bishop of Nineveh

Saint Isaac the Syrian, Bishop of Ninevah, lived during the sixth century. He and his brother entered the monastery of Mar Matthew near Ninevah and received the monastic tonsure.

Venerable Ephraim, Abbot and Wonderworker of Novy Torg

Saint Ephraim of Novy Torg, founder of the Saints Boris and Gleb monastery in the city of Novy Torg, was a native of Hungary.

St. Ephraim the Bishop of Pereyaslavl, Kiev Caves, Far Caves

Saint Ephraim of the Caves, Bishop of Pereyaslavl, before his tonsure into monasticism, was treasurer and steward of household affairs at the court of the Kiev Great Prince Izyaslav (Demetrius) Yaroslavich (1054-1068). Weighed down by this noisy and bustling life and wishing to become a monk, he was accepted by Saint Anthony of the Kiev Caves and was tonsured by Saint Nikon (March 23).