Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Обретение мощей мучеников, иже во Евгении Прп. Варадат, пустынник Сирийский
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February 22
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March 6
Tone 6.
Fast Day.
Fish, wine and oil allowed.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомUncovering of the relics of the Holy Martyrs at the gate of Eugenius at Constantinople (395-423).

Martyrs Maurice, his son Photinus, Theodore, and Philip, with 70 soldiers, of Apamea (ca. 305). Sts. Thalassius and Limnaeus, hermits, near Cyrrhus (5th c.). St. Athanasius the Confessor, of Constantinople (826). St. Herman, founder of Stolobny Monastery (Novgorod) (1614).

New Hieromartyrs Sergius (Bukashkin), hieromonk, of Novo-Alexandrovka (Moscow), Antipa (Kyrillov), hieromonk, of Tatarintsevo (Moscow) (1938); and Philaret (Pryakhin), abbot, of Trubino (Tver) (1942).

St. Abilius, bishop of Alexandria (98). St. Telesphorus, pope of Rome (127). St. Papius of Hierapolis (2nd c.). St. Titus, bishop of Bostra in Arabia (378). St. Baradates, hermit, near Antioch (469). Holy Nine Children of Kola, Georgia: Guarami, Adarnasi, Bakari, Vache, Bardzini, Dachi, Djuansheri, Ramazi, and Parsmani (6th c.). St. Leontius of Lycia (6th c.). Sts. Babylus and his wife Comnita, of Nicosa (7th c.). St. Peter the Stylite, of Mt. Athos.

Repose of Righteous Gregory (“Golden Grits”) Miroshnikov of Sednev (1855), Schemanun Avramia of Kashin (1855), and Blessed Theoktista Mikhailovna, fool-for-Christ, of Voronezh (1936).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Wednesday. [I John 3:21–4:6; Mark 14:43–15:1]

If help is needed, ask. “I asked,” you say, “and it was not given.” But then how is it given to others? With the Lord there is no respect of persons; to give to one, and not to give to another without any reason. He is ready to give to all—for He loves to be giving. If He does not give to someone, the reason is not in Him, but in the one asking help. Among such reasons can be some that we cannot even guess. But there exist known reasons, visible to anyone. One of these reasons (and is it not the chief reason?) Saint John points out to be the absence of confidence, and the absence of confidence comes from the condemnation of the heart or the conscience. Beloved, he says, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in His sight (I John 3:21). There is nothing more to add to these words. Everything is clear in and of itself. What master will help an unfaithful servant, a squanderer and profligate? Will the Lord really indulge us when we do not want to please Him and fulfil His commandments; if we only start praying when an extreme need arises?!


Uncovering of the relics of the Holy Martyrs at the Gate of Eugenius at Constantinople

When miracles of healing began to occur at this spot, the relics of the saints were discovered and transferred to a church with great honor.

Martyrs Maurice, his son Photinus, Theodore, and Philip, with 70 soldiers, of Apamea

Saint Maurice, a military commander of Syrian Apamea, suffered in the year 305 under the emperor Maximian Galerius (305-311) together with his son Photinus and seventy soldiers under his command (only two of the soldiers’ names are known, Theodore and Philip).

Venerable Thalassius Hermit of Syria

Saint Baradates the Syrian began to live as a desert-dweller in a hut near Antioch. He then built a stone cell upon a hill, so cramped and low that the ascetic could stand in it only in a stooped position.

Venerable Limnaeus Hermit of Syria

Saint Limnaeus began his efforts under the guidance of Saint Thalassius and dwelt with him for a sufficient time to acquire the virtues of his teacher: simplicity of manner, gentleness and humility.

St. Athanasius the Confessor of Constantinople

From his childhood he dreamed of devoting himself entirely to God, and having reached maturity, he settled in one of the Nicomedia monasteries, called the Pavlopetrios (i.e., in the names of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul), and became a monk there.

Venerable Baradates, Hermit of Syria

Saint Baradates the Syrian began to live as a desert-dweller in a hut near Antioch. He then built a stone cell upon a hill, so cramped and low that the ascetic could stand in it only in a stooped position.

9 Martyred brothers of Kola

When their parents learned that they had been baptized in the Christian Faith, they dragged their children away from the church, abusing and beating them into submission all the way home.