Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Прп. Иоанн Кассиан Римлянин
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Old Style
February 29
New Style
March 13
Cheese-fare Week—no meat; fish and dairy allowed. Tone 7.
Cheese-fare Week—no meat.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. John Cassian the Roman, abbot, of Marseilles (435).

St. John, called Barsanuphius, of Nitria in Egypt (5th c.). St. Theosterictus the Confessor, abbot, of Pelecete Monastery near Prusa (8th c.). St. Cassian, founder of Muezersk Hermitage (16th c). St. Meletius, archbishop of Kharkov (1840).

Apostles of the Seventy Nymphas and Eubulus (1). St. Romanus, desert-dweller of Condat in the Jura Mountains (Gaul) (460). New Virgin-martyr Kyranna of Thessalonica (1751). St. Germanus of Dacia Pontica (Dobrogea, Romania) (5th c.). St. Oswald, archbishop of York (992). St. Germanus of Dacia Pontica (Dobrogea, Romania) (5th c.). St. Oswald, archbishop of York (992).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse


Also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness. Blow the trumpet, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly … let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet … let the priests, the ministers of the Lord, weep and say: “Spare thy people, O Lord! (Joel 2:2–17). Who now hearkens unto this voice, resounding in the Church? If on the city squares a thunderous voice should resound from heaven, saying, “Spare yourselves, O people, so that the Lord will spare you!”—perhaps someone would hear it and awake from his ecstasy of pleasures, lusts and wine. The priests do not cease to plead, “Spare O Lord!” But from the Lord comes the just yet terrible answer, “I will not spare, for there are none seeking to be spared.” Everyone is standing with their back to the Lord; they have turned from Him and forgotten Him.


Venerable John Cassian the Roman

Saint John Cassian the Roman was born around 360, probably in Lesser Scythia (in Dacia Pontica). His pious Christian parents gave him an excellent classical education, and also instructed him in the Holy Scriptures and in the spiritual life.

John Cassian: Half-Heretic or Saint?

Deacon Pavel Serzhantov

St. John Cassian expressed not simply his own theological opinion, but gave voice to the experience of the hesychastic monks’ ascetical experience of synergy. Striving for their own salvation, the hesychasts saw and understood that asceticism is salvific then and only then when two powers are at work within it in harmony—the Divine and the human. God and man are co-workers in the cause of salvation; their synergy leads sinners into the Heavenly Kingdom.

Venerable John-Barsanuphius the Bishop of Damascus

Saint John, called Barsanuphius, was a native of Palestine. He was baptized when he was eighteen years old, and later became a monk.

Martyr Theokteristus

The Holy Martyr Theokteristus, Igumen of the Pelekete monastery, suffered for the holy icons under the impious emperor Constantine Copronymos (741-775).

St. Meletius, Archbishop of Kharkov and Akhtyr

With a fatherly love the saint looked after young foster-children, raising them in a spirit of devotion to the Church of Christ. The saint particularly cared for the needy, widows and orphans.

Holy Hierarch Oswald, Bishop of Worcester and Archbishop of York

Dmitry Lapa

Oswald was the offspring of pagan Danes who had invaded England in the ninth century and settled in the east and north of England, the region that came to be known as the Danelaw.