Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Никита Переяславский Блаженная Ксения Петербургская Святой Симеон на Дивной Горе
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Old Style
May 24
New Style
June 6
5th Week after Pascha. Tone 4.
No fast.

Совершается служба на шестьSt. Symeon Stylites (the Younger) of the Wonderful Mountain (596). Совершается служба со славословиемSt. Nicetas the Stylite, wonderworker, of Pereyaslavl-Zalesski (1186).

Martyrs Meletius Stratelates, Stephen, John, and 1,218 soldiers with women and children, including: Serapion the Egyptian, Callinicus the Magician, Theodore, Faustus, the women Marciana, Susanna, and Palladia, two children Cyriacus and Christian, and twelve tribunes: Faustus, Festus, Marcellus, Theodore, Meletius, Sergius, Marcellinus, Felix, Photinus, Theodoriscus, Mercurius, and Didymus—all of whom suffered in Galatia (ca. 218). St. Vincent of Lerins (ca. 450). St. Gregory, archbishop of Novgorod (1193). Martyrdom by the Poles of Abbot Anthony, 40 monks, and over 1,000 laymen at the St. Paisius of Uglich Monastery (1609).

Nun-martyr Martha, abbess, of Monemvasia (990). Translation of the relics of St. George of the Holy Mountain and Georgia (ca. 1067).

Repose of Monk Cyriacus of Valaam (1818) and Blessed Amphilochius of Rostov (1824).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Thursday. [Acts 14:20–27; John 9:39–10:9]

   And Jesus said, For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see; and that they which see might be made blind (John 9:39). They which could not see were the simple people who believed the Lord in simplicity of heart, while they which saw were the scribes and learned men of that time, who due to their pride of mind did not believe, and held back the people. Our clever ones think that they see, and, this is why they are alienated from that faith in the Lord that the simple in heart and mind firmly hold to. Therefore, according to the truth of the Lord they are blind, whereas the people see. They are exactly like those birds which can see at night, but not during the day. The truth of Christ is dark for them, whereas what is contrary to this truth—falsehood—to them seems clear: here they are in their element. This is so obvious, but nevertheless they are ready to ask: Are we blind also? (John 9:40). There is nothing to hide; you are blind. But since it is your own fault that you are blind, the sin of blindness and not seeing the light lies on you. You can see, but you do not want to, because you came to love a deceptive, yet tempting lie.
