Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Карп Апостол от 70-ти Прп. Макарий Калязинский
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May 26
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June 8
5th Week after Pascha. Tone 4.
No fast.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомApostles Carpus of the Seventy and Alphaeus (1st c.). Совершается служба на шестьNew Martyr George the New, of Kratovo (Sofia) (1515).

Martyrs Abercius and Helen, children of Apostle Alphaeus (1st c.). St. John the Confessor, of Psycha on the Bosphorus (9th c.). Uncovering of the relics of St. Macarius, founder of Kalyazin Monastery (1521).

Tabynsk Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

St. Augustine, archbishop of Canterbury, evangelizer of England (ca. 605). St. Synesius, bishop of Carpasia on Cyprus (5th c.). New Martyr Alexander of Thessalonica, at Smyrna (1794). New Hieromartyrs Milan Banjac and Milan Golubovic, of Drvar, Serbia (1941-1945).

Repose of Archimandrite George (Kapsanis) of Gregoriou (2014).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Saturday. [Acts 15:35–41; John 10:27–38]

   Though ye believe not Me, believe the works, says the Lord (John 10:38). The works of the Lord were obvious to all, and He could point to them openly. They are: the healing of various diseases, the driving out of demons, power over nature, knowledge of thoughts of the heart, the prophesying of the future, power of the word, and dominion over souls. All of these clearly proved that Jesus Christ was from God, and that His word was the truth. For us other works were added to these—a marvellous death, resurrection, ascension, descent of the Holy Spirit, foundation of the Church, marvellous spiritual gifts in believers, triumph over pagans and grace-filled power which to this day has not ceased to act in the Church of God. All of these are the works of the Lord. To any unbeliever one can say: if you do not believe the word, believe these works, which loudly witness to the Godhood of our Lord Jesus Christ; and having come to belief, accept His entire truth. But how did those Jews answer the Lord at that time? They sought again to take him (John 10:39). What do today’s unbelievers do? They sit and weave lie onto lie, in order to “take” not the Lord—for this is not according to their strength—but to take those who are simple in faith and cannot unravel their sly weavings.


Apostle Carpus of the Seventy

He was bishop of Verria in Macedonia.

Greatmartyr George the New at Sofia, Bulgaria

The Holy Martyr George the New was born into an illustrious Bulgarian family, living in the capital city of Bulgaria, Sredets (now the city of Sofia).

Martyrs Abercius and Helen, children of the Apostle Alphæus

According to Tradition, the Holy Martyrs Abercius and Helen were children of the holy Apostle Alphaeus.

Venenerable Confessor John Psykhaϊtēs

Venerable Macarius the Abbot and Wonderworker of Kalyazin

The boyar Ivan Kolyaga, to whom the nearby lands belonged, began to fear that a monastery would grow up there, and that monks would begin to cultivate the wastelands. The Enemy of our salvation planted such spite and enmity in the boyar, that he decided to kill the saint.

Uncovering of the relics of Venerable Macarius, Abbot of Kalyazin

The igumen of the monastery, Joasaph, set up a cross at the spot designated for the altar, and gave a blessing to dig the trench for the foundation. During the work a grave was discovered, exuding an ineffable fragrance.

Holy Hierarch Augustine, Archbishop of Canterbury

Dmitry Lapa

Together with St. Gregory the Dialogist (Gregory the Great, according to the Western tradition), the Pope of Rome, St. Augustine (also Austin) is venerated as “the Apostle of the English”.

St. Augustine of Canterbury, Evangelizer of England

Saint Augustine was from Italy, and a disciple of Saint Felix, Bishop of Messana. Saint Gregory Dialogus chose him to lead a mission of forty monks to evangelize the people of Britain. They arrived at Ebbsfleet in Kent in 597.