Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Собор Владимирских Святых Икона Божией Матери Владимирская Прав. Артемий Веркольский
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Old Style
June 23
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July 6
2nd Week after Pentecost. Tone 8.
Fast of the Holy Apostles.
Fish, wine and oil allowed.

Совершается служба с полиелеемMeeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (1480). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомMartyr Agrippina of Rome and her companions Paula, Bassa, and Agathonica (253-259). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSynaxis of the Saints of Vladimir.

Martyrs Eustochius, Gaius, Proba, Lollia, and Urban, of Ancyra (4th c.). Second translation of the relics of St. Herman, archbishop of Kazan (1714). St. Artemius of Verkola (1545). Translation of the relics of St. Michael of Klops Monastery (Novgorod), fool-for-Christ (1482). St. Dionysius of Polotsk (1182). Sts. Vladimir and Agrippina, prince and princess of Rzhevsk (ca. 1226). Sts. Joseph, founder (1612), Anthony, and Ioannicius, abbots, of Zaonikiev Monastery, Vologda (17th c.).

New Hieromartyr Alexander Miropolsky, archpriest, of Kaslinsky Zavod (Ekaterinburg) (1918). New Hieromartyr Mitrophan (Krasnopolsky), archbishop of Astrakhan (1919).

Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos: “Umileniye” (“Of Tender Feeling”) of Pskov (1524), and “Zaonikiev.” (1588)

St. Etheldreda, foundress of Ely Monastery (England) (679). St. Nicetas of Thebes in Boetia and his disciples Theodore, Gregory, and Daniel (1079). Hieromartyrs Aristocleus, priest, Demetrian, deacon, and Athanasius, reader, at Salamis on Cyprus (306). Synaxis of the New Martyrs of Crete (1821-1822).

Repose of Schemamonk Zosimas of Solovki (1855) and Ivan M. Kontzevitch, spiritual writer (1965).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Saturday. [Rom. 3:19–26; Matt. 7:1–8]

Judge not, that ye be not judged (Matt. 7:1). What a disease—gossip and judging others! Everyone knows that this is a sin; nevertheless there is nothing more common in our words than judgment of others. One says, “Do not count it as judging, O Lord,” but continues judging to the end. Another justifies himself that any reasonable person must have an opinion about what is going on, and in his gossip he tries to be coolly reasonable; but even a simple ear cannot help but discern a high-minded and gloating judgment of others in his words. Meanwhile, the sentence of the Lord for this sin is strict and decisive. He who judges others will not be justified. What should one do? How can one avoid misfortune? A decisive remedy against judging others consists of this: to consider yourself condemned. He who feels himself condemned will have no time to judge others. His only words will be, “Lord have mercy! Lord forgive my transgressions!”


Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

The histories of Moscow and of the icon of Vladimir Mother of God are eternally inseparable. How many times did the Mother of God save the capital city from enemies through the grace of her holy icon? This icon has linked Apostolic times to Byzantium, Kievan Rus’ to Vladimir Rus’, and later to Muscovy, the Third Rome; as it is said, “there will be no Fourth.” The kingdom of Moscow was formed by divine providence and embraced the mystical ties of ancient empires, historical experience and traditions of other Orthodox peoples. The miracle working Vladimir icon became a symbol of unity and succession.

Commemoration of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God and the deliverance of Moscow from the Invasion of Tamerlane

The Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God was painted by the Evangelist Luke on a board from the table at which the Savior ate together with His All-Pure Mother and Righteous Joseph. The Mother of God, upon seeing this image, exclaimed, “Henceforth, all generations shall call Me blessed. The grace of both My Son and Me shall be with this icon.”

The Vladimir Mother of God

The Vladimir Mother of God

Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God in memory of the Saving of Moscow from the Invasion of Khan Achmed

The Meeting of the Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God

In the summer of 1395, there was an event that left a profound impression on the spiritual and historical life of the Russian people, and which became forever an example of faith and hope in God’s Providence and in the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

Martyr Agrippina of Rome

Synaxis of the Saints of Vladimir

Martyr Eustochius of Ancyra

Martyr Gaius of Ancyra

Martyr Probus of Ancyra

Martyr Lollia of Ancyra

Martyr Urban of Ancyra

Second Translation of the relics of St Herman the Archbishop of Kazan

St Herman the Archbishop of Kazan

Saint Herman, Archbishop of Kazan, lived during the sixteenth century. He was born in the city of Staritsa, and was descended from the old boyar nobility of the Polevi.

Righteous Artemius of Verkola

Holy Righteous Artemius of Verkola was born in the village of Dvina Verkola around the year 1532.

Icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” of the Pskov Caves

The Zaonikiev Icon of the Mother of God

Hilarion, a pious resident of the village of Obukhov, in the Diocdese of Vologda, lost his sight. After praying for a long time, he had a vision of the Holy Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, who promised that he would be healed.

Venerable Etheldreda, Abbess of Ely

Dmitry Lapa

St. Etheldreda (Aethelthryth, Audrey) is the most venerated English female saint.