Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Прмц. Феврония Благоверные князь Петр и княгиня Феврония Прп. Никон Оптинский
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Old Style
June 25
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July 8
3rd Week after Pentecost. Tone 1.
Fast of the Holy Apostles.
Fish, wine and oil allowed.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомVirgin-martyr Febronia of Nisibis (ca. 304). Совершается служба со славословиемHoly Prince Peter and Princess Febronia (tonsured David and Euphrosyne), wonderworkers of Murom (1228).

St. Dalmatus, founder of the Dormition Monastery in Siberia (1697). St. Cyprian, hieromonk of Svyatogorsk Monastery (1874).

New Hiero-confessor Nikon (Belyaev), hieromonk of Optina Monastery (1931).

Virgin-martyrs Libya, Leonis, and Eutropa, of Palermo in Sicily (ca. 305). Martyr Gallicanus the Patrician, in Egypt (362). St. Moluac of Lismore (Scotland) (592). Virgin-martyr Eurosia (Orosia), at Jaca (Spain) (714). St. Adalbert, hierodeacon (Neth.) (740). Sts. Dionysius (ca. 1389) and Dometius (1405-1410) of Dionysiou Monastery, Mt. Athos. New Monk-martyr Procopius of Varna and Mt. Athos, at Smyrna (1810). New Martyr George of Attalia, at Krene in Asia Minor (1823).

Repose of Metropolitan Theoleptus of Philadelphia (1322) and Hierodeacon Serapion of Glinsk Hermitage (1859).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Monday. [Rom. 7:1-13; Matt. 9:36-10:8]

   Sending the holy apostles to preach, the Lord commanded them to call everyone, saying, The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand, that is the Kingdom has come—go to it. What ought we to preach? We should cry to all, “sons of the kingdom! Do not run from the kingdom into bondage and slavery,” because they are running. Some are captivated by freedom of mind. They say, “we don’t want the bonds of faith and oppression of authority, even Divine authority; we will figure things out and make up our minds for ourselves.” So they made up their minds. They built fables in which there is more childishness than in the mythology of the Greeks—and they magnify themselves… Others are enticed by the broad path of the passions. They say, “we don’t want to know positive commandments, nor the demands of conscience—this is all abstract: we need tangible naturalness.” And they have gone after it. What has come of it? They have bowed down before dumb beasts. Has not the theory that man originated from animals arisen from this moral fall? This is where they have gone! And everyone runs from the Lord, everyone runs…
