Orthodox Calendar 2024
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July 15
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July 28
5th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 4.
No fast.

Commemoration of the Holy Fathers of the First Six Ecumenical Councils. Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомMartyrs Cyricus (Quiricus) and his mother Julitta, of Tarsus (ca. 305). Совершается всенощное бдениеHoly Equal-to-the-Apostles Great Prince Vladimir (Basil in holy baptism), enlightener of the Russian Land (1015). Synaxis of the Saints of Kiev.

Commemoration of the Baptism of Rus’ (988). Martyr Abudimus of the isle of Tenedos (4th c.). St. Sylvester, bishop of Kanev (1908) Sts. Vladimir and Agrippina, prince and princess of Rzhevsk (ca. 1226).

St. Asiya the Wonderworker, of Tanis in Syria (5th c.). St. Donald of Ogilvy (ca. 716) and his nine virgin daughters, nuns of Abernathy (Scotland). Translation of the relics of St. Swithun, bishop and wonderworker, of Winchester (971). Finding of the head of St. Matrona of Chios (1462). St. Zosima, monk, of Alexandrov (Vladimir) (c. 1713). St. Job (Kundrya), archimandrite, of Malaya Ugolka (Carpatho-Russia) (1985). New Martyrs of Velic and Gornepolima (Serbia) killed by the Nazis (1943).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Fifth Sunday after Pentacost. [Rom. 10:1-10; Matt. 8:28-9:1]

   The Gadarenes saw the Lord’s wondrous miracle, when He cast out a legion of devils, and yet, the whole city came out and besought the Lord that He would depart out of their coasts. We do not observe them relating hostilely to the Lord, but neither to we observe any faith in them. They are seized with a sort of indeterminate fearfulness, making them to desire only that the Lord pass them by, wherever He wishes, “only do not touch us.” This is a true image of people who live in peace with their possessions. An order of things has formed around them which is not unfavourable; they are used to it, they have neither thoughts nor the need to change or reverse anything, and they fear to make a new step. They feel, however, that should a command come down from above, the fear of God and their conscience would force them to renounce the old and accept something new. Therefore, they strive to avoid any circumstance which might lead them to such convictions, that they might continue living quietly in their old habits, pleading ignorance. These are the sort of people who are afraid to read the Gospels and patristic books, or to discuss spiritual matters. They fear that if their conscience be thereby disturbed, it might wake up and start forcing them to abandon what they had, and take up something else.


The Baptism of Rus' and the Legacy to the Russian People of Holy Prince Vladimir

Archbishop Averky (Taushev)

The warlike prince, though he decided to convert to Christianity, could not without Divine intervention, humble his soul to the degree sufficient to appeal to the Greeks with the meek request to be baptized and to be taught, together with his people, about the new faith. At the same time, his innate wisdom and refined political instinct told him asking this of the Greeks would not be without danger.

Equal of the Apostles Great Prince Vladimir, in Holy Baptism Basil, the Enlightener of the Russian Land

The Holy Great Prince Vladimir, Equal of the Apostles. Few names in the annals of history can compare in significance with the name of St Vladimir, the Baptizer of Rus, who stands at the beginning of the spiritual destiny of the Russian Church and the Russian Orthodox people. 

Thoughts of Protopriest Victor Ilienko of Blessed Memory on the Feast Day of St Vladimir, Equal-to-the-Apostles

Protopriest Victor Ilienko

Holy Prince Vladimir, seeking the good jewel, obtained the most invaluable of all jewels—Christ Himself. As did the man from the Gospel, who, finding a field with buried treasure, sells everything he had and buys the field, so did Prince Vladimir, obtaining Christ, abandoned his pagan lifestyle with all its pleasures.

Praise of St. Vladimir

Metropolitan Hilarion of Kiev

Arise, honored dead, from your grave! Arise, shake off your sleep, for you are not dead, but sleep to the day of the common resurrection. Arise! You are not dead, for it is not right for you to die, who have believed in Christ who is the life of the whole world. Shake off your sleep, lift your eyes, that you may see with what honors the Lord has showered you above, and how you live unforgotten upon earth through your son!

St. Vladimir, Prince of Russia, Equal to the Apostles

St. Nikolai (Velimirovich)

That man who would not hold back from any earthly pleasures, who reached the limits of every looseness, debauchery, uncontrolled blood-thirstiness, thievery, violent vengeance – had to die with his old soul and start living with a new one.

What Was the Moral Strenth of Holy Grand Prince Vladimir?

St. John (Maximovich) of Shanghai and San Francisco

He was the conqueror of his own self, and through this he ruled others, and preached Christ with his deeds in every realm of life. He served the true God as an individual, as the head of a family, as a leader, as a judge, a ruler, a sovereign.

St. Sylvester, Bishop of Kanev

His contemporaries note that in him they saw the ancient ideal of a saint—both a teacher of faith and a model of true piety.

A New Saint for Carpatho-Russia: St Job of Ugolka

It is necessary first to be purified, then to purify; to be made wise, then to make wise; to become light, then to enlighten; to approach God, then to bring others to him; to be sanctified, then to sanctify…