Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Священномученик Евпл Катанский Иеросхимонах Иоанн (Крюков), затворник Святогорской пустыни
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Old Style
August 11
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August 24
9th Week after Pentecost. Tone 7.
Успенский пост.
Wine and oil allowed.

Afterfeast of the Transfiguration. Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомHoly Hieromartyr Archdeacon Euplus of Catania (304).

Virgin-martyr Susanna and those with her: Hieromartyrs Gaius, pope of Rome, and the priest Gabinus; Martyrs Maximus, Claudius and his wife Praepedigna, and their sons Alexander and Cuthias (295-296). Monk-martyrs Basil and Theodore, of the Kiev Caves (1098). St. Theodore (in monasticism Theodosius) of the Kiev Caves, prince of Ostrog in Volhynia (1483). St. John, recluse of Svyatogorsk Monastery (1867).

St. Taurinus, first bishop of Evreux, Gaul (2nd c.). St. Passarion, bishop in Palestine (428). St. Blaan, bishop of Bute, Scotland (ca. 590). St. Niphon, patriarch of Constantinople (1508). Commemoration of the Miracle of St. Spyridon on Corfu with the Hagarenes (1816). New Martyrs Anastasius of Asomaton and Demetrius of Lesbos, at Kasampa in Asia Minor (1816).

Repose of Archpriest Nicholas Guryanov of Talabsk Island, Pskov (2002).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Saturday. [I Rom. 14:6-9; Matt. 15:32-39]

The Lord filled the people accompanying Him miraculously another time to show that He is always ready to generously provide for people who believe. He could have done this every time as well; but He did not, in order to not break them from their usual way of life—established, maintained and supported by Him. Such is God’s general providence. The main, all-embracing actions of providence were accomplished in the beginning upon the arranging of all things; but having arranged everything and set it into motion, God did not tie Himself up in any way, but reserved for himself freedom to usher in extraordinary help when necessary. He acts like the master of a house, who establishes rules; however, while maintaining them, He does not bind himself with them, but relates to them authoritatively, with well-managed good intentions. Those who oppose the faith do not understand the meaning of God’s providence. Extending it in their thoughts beyond proper boundaries, and not seeing the realization of their ideas in reality, they deny this very providence. The providence which they demand definitely does not exist; but that providence which the Lord God is well pleased to establish and preserve unquestionably exists.
