Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Прп. Александр Свирский Св. блгв. князь Александр Невский Святой благоверный князь Даниил Московский
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August 30
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September 12
12th Week after Pentecost. Tone 2.
No fast.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSts. Alexander (340), Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомJohn the Faster (595), Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомand Paul the New (784), Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомpatriarchs of Constantinople. Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомRepose of St. Alexander, founder of Svir Monastery (1533). Совершается служба с полиелеемTranslation of the relics of St. Alexander Nevsky (Alexis in schema), great prince of Novgorod (1724). Совершается служба с полиелеемUncovering of the relics of St. Daniel, great prince of Moscow (1652).

St. Christopher of Palestine (6th c.). St. Fantinus of Calabria (9th c.-10th c.). Synaxis of Serbian Hierarchs: Sts. Sava I (1235), Arsenius (1266), Sava II (1269), Eustathius I (1285), James (1292), Nicodemus (1325), and Daniel II (1338), archbishops; Sts. Ioannicius II (1354), Ephraim II (1395), Spyridon (1388), Cyril (1419), Nicon (ca. 1439), Macarius (1574), and Gabriel I (1659), patriarchs; and St. Gregory, bishop (1012). St. Alexander, founder of Voch Monastery, near Galich (14th-15th c.). St. Barlaam, metropolitan of Moldavia (1657).

Virgin-Martyr Elisaveta (Yarigina) (1937). New Hieromartyr Ignatius (Lebedev), schemaarchimandrite, of the Vysokopetrovsky Monastery (Moscow) (1938). New Hiero-confessor Peter Cheltsov, archpriest, of Smolensk (1972).

St. Bryaene of Nisibis (318). St. Sarmata of Egypt (ca. 362). St. Eulalius, bishop of Cyprus (4th c.). St. Fiacrius (Fiacre), Irish hermit and hospice-founder at Breuil in Brie (ca. 670). St. John of Rasca and Secu, bishop of Roman, Moldavia (1685). 16 Monk-martyrs of Thebes. Six Martyrs of Melitene.

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Thursday. [II Cor. 7:1-10; Mark 1:29-35]

   In the morning, rising up a great while before day, He went out, and departed into a solitary place, and there prayed. Here is a lesson to get up early and devote the first hours of the day to prayer, in solitude. The soul, renewed with sleep, is fresh, light and capable of penetration, like fresh morning air; therefore it asks on its own to be allowed to go where all of its joy is found, to go before the face of the heavenly Father, to the company of the angels and saints. It is more convenient for the soul to pray at this time instead of later when the cares of the day already are piled upon the soul. The Lord orders everything. You must receive a blessing from Him for work, for needed understanding, and for crucial strengthening. And hurry as early as possible, before anything interferes, to lift yourself in solitude to the Lord in mind and heart, and to confess your needs and intentions to Him, and to beg for His help. Having disposed yourself with prayer and thoughts of God, from the first moments of the day, you will then conduct the whole day in reverence and fear of God, with collected thoughts. From this come discretion, steadiness, and harmony in deeds and mutual relations. This is a reward for the labour which you compel yourself to undertake in your morning solitude. Thus, even for worldly people this makes good sense, and is not something alien to their goals.


Visited by the Holy Trinity: A Homily For St. Alexander of Svir

Fr. Timothy Hojnicki

And a fantastic thing took place, that one day while he was praying, the Lord Himself, Father, Son and Holy Spirit appeared to him. It’s a fantastic thing because, even the Synaxarion makes mention, this never happens! It’s one of the only times that we know that the Trinity appeared to somebody. They told him and they revealed themselves that we are Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and they instructed him to build a church in their honor and one of them, the Son, reached over and grabbed his arm and told him to take courage and be of good faith—everything would be taken care of.

Venerable Alexander the Abbot of Svir

St Alexander was a beacon of monasticism in the deep forests of the Russian North, living in asceticism, and he was granted the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Translation of the relics of St Alexander Nevsky

Veneration of the Prince began right at his burial, where a remarkable miracle took place.

Repose of St Alexander Nevsky

A very troublesome time had begun in Russian history: from the East came the Mongol Horde destroying everything in their path; from the West came the forces of the Teutonic Knights, which blasphemously and with the blessing of the Roman Pope, called itself “Cross-bearers” by wearing the Cross of the Lord. In this terrible hour the Providence of God raised up for the salvation of Russia holy Prince Alexander, a great warrior, man of prayer, ascetic and upholder of the Land of Russia. “Without the command of God there would not have been his prince.”

St. Alexander Nevsky, Russia’s Knight in Shining Armor

St. Alexander Nevsky was Russia’s “knight in shining armor.” His reputation as a man of exceptional valor and surpassing virtue inspired a visit by a German commander who told his people when he returned: “I went through many countries and saw many people, but I have never met such a king among kings, nor such a prince among princes.”

Uncovering of the relics of St Daniel the Prince of Moscow

Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow, son of the holy Prince Alexander Nevsky, died on March 4, 1303. On August 30, 1652 his relics were uncovered incorrupt.

Right-believing Prince Daniel of Moscow

Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow was born at Vladimir in the year 1261. He was the fourth son of St Alexander Nevsky.

Ascetic of the Russian North

Anastasia Vysotenko

In August 1937, the ascetic was denounced, arrested, and charged with “active counter-revolutionary activity and spreading rumors about the imminent collapse of the collective farm system and Soviet power.”