Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Икона Божией Матери Гербовецкая Покров Пресвятой Богородицы Роман Сладкопевец
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October 1
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October 14
17th Week after Pentecost. Tone 7.
No fast.

Совершается служба великому праздникуThe Protection of Our Most Holy Lady the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомApostle Ananias of the Seventy (1st c.). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. Romanus the Melodist, of Constantinople (556). Совершается служба со славословиемSt. Sabbas, founder of Vyshera Monastery (Novgorod) (1461).

Martyr Domninus of Thessalonica (4th c.). Miracle of the Pillar over the Robe of the Lord at Mtskheta, Georgia (ca. 330). King Mirian (4th c.) and Queen Nana of Mtskheta, St. Abiathar of Mtskheta, and St. Sidonia, disciple of St. Nina (4th c.). Hieromartyr Michael, abbot, of Zovia Monastery near Sebaste, and 36 Monk-martyrs with him (ca. 790). St. John Kukuzelis the Singer, of Mt. Athos (ca. 1341). Synaxis of the Saints of Moldavia.

New Hieromartyr Alexis Stavrovsky, archpriest, of Petrograd (1918). New Hieromartyr Archpriest Ismael Rozhdestvensky of Strelna (St. Petersburg) (1938).

Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Lyublinsk” (9th. c), “Pokrov” (Pskov) (1581), and “Kasperovskaya” (Odessa) (16th c.). Icon of the Mother of God of Gerbovets (1859). Icon of the Mother of God of Barsk.

St. Remigius of Rheims, apostle to the Franks (533). St. Bavo, hermit, of Ghent (654). St. Melchizedek, catholicos-patriarch of Georgia (ca. 1030). Saint Melor the Breton, Prince and Martyr (6th c.). St. Joseph of Bisericani Monastery (Moldavia) (late 15th c.). St. Gregory the Singer, of Mt. Athos (1355).

Repose of Hieroschemamonk Euthymius of Valaam (1829).


The Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God

The Church has always glorified the Most Holy Mother of God as the Protectress and Defender of the Christian people, entreating, by her intercession, God's loving-kindness towards us sinners. The Mother of God's aid has been clearly shown times without number, both to individuals and to peoples, both in peace and in war, both in monastic deserts and in crowded cities.

The Protection of the Holy Virgin

The Protection of the Holy Virgin is one of the most popular Orthodox holidays in Russia. Thousands of cathedrals were built in Russia in honor of this holiday.

Rejoice, O Our Joy! Sermon on the Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God

Archimandrite John (Krestiankin)

But during this present, difficult time, when the earth has grown old, is burdened by faithlessness, lawlessness, and ignorance of the knowledge of God’s commandments, has our Fervent Intercessor turned away from us in her zeal for the glory of her Son and God? No, my dears, this could not be. Needy children are dearer to a mother.

Homily on the Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God

Holy Hierach Innocent (Borisov)

For those who celebrate the commemoration of the miraculous appearance of the Protecting Veil of the Mother of God, nothing could be more joyous than if we announced that this grace-filled Protection is spread even over us. But who could be the bearer of these glad tidings? Whose eye is capable of seeing the Most Holy Intercessor, “in the air, praying to Christ for us?” There are no obvious mystical seers like blessed Andrew and Epiphanius among us; and the hidden mysteries known only to the Lord will remain hidden unto the ages.

Homily on the Day of the Protection of the Mother of God

St. Nicholai Velimirovich

That the righteous inherit the Kingdom of God is witnessed by the Most Pure Mother of God through her appearance in glory and light, with her protecting veil, with which she protects from evil all who run to her with tears, prayer and faith. She appeared and she still appears—not just for the sake of appearing, but in order to open the spiritual eyes of those without faith, so that they would learn of eternal life in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Protection of the Mother of God

Let Us All Turn to the Mother of God! On the Feast of the Protection.

St. Alexis Toth

But anyplace wherever we would be, the Lord's Mother is with us! She hears our prayers to Her. She is also here in Minneapolis and She hears our prayers. She sees when you put candles before her icon requesting for yourself, your homeland and your friends Her assistance and protection.

From Defeat to Victory. The Protection of the Mother of God, Part 1

Archpriest Artemy Vladimirov, Priest Dimitry Shishkin

In the life of the Church there is much that is visible, yet mysterious, and completely inexplicable, because the ways of the Lord are unsearchable.

Homily on the Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God

Fr. Myron Oryhon

"Let us be vigilant to see with purity, to interpret with purity of heart and to act with love. Then we shall be able to see freely the divine light shining on the world and in the world. In this manner we can better love, serve, and be part of the world which God given us."

From Defeat to Victory. The Protection of the Mother of God, Part 2

Priest Valery Dukhanin, Priest Nicholai Bulgakov

The feast of the Protection of the Mother of God is a feast very warm and dear to us, because in it is expressed the special closeness to us of the Most Pure Virgin. She spreads her veil over all those who pray, regardless of how righteous or pious we are, if only we turn to her with our whole heart.

Feast of the Protection of the Mother of God

Metropolitan Philaret (Voznesensky)

When I have occasion to speak about how the All-Pure Virgin covered the worshippers in the Blachernae Church with her omophorion, I always point out that there were, of course, different people in this church: the pious and godly; the not very pious; perhaps some who had grown cold; and perhaps even the very sinful. But did the Mother of God inquire into this?

Homily on the Day of the Protection of the Mother of God

Hieromartyr Thaddeus (Uspensky)

Even if only St. Andrew and Epiphanius saw the Protection of the Mother of God, don’t we know that her Divine Protection invisibly spreads across the whole world? Could it be that the one who from the very first days when her Divine Son began His preaching to the world asked Him about the wine running out at the marriage in Canaan of Galilee, would after departing to heaven cease to ask and pray for the human race?

Apostle Ananias of the Seventy

The Holy Apostle Ananias of the Seventy (October 1), was the first Bishop of Damascus.

Venerable Romanus the Melodist, “Sweet-Singer”

Saint Romanus the Melodist was born in the fifth century in the Syrian city of Emesa of Jewish parents. After moving to Constantinople, he became a church sacristan in the temple of Hagia Sophia.

Venerable Sava the Abbot of Vishera, Novgorod

Saint Sava of Vishera was the son of the noble, John Borozda, of Kashin. From childhood, the monk was noted for his piety.

King Mirian and Queen Nana of Mtskheta, St. Abiathar of Mtskheta, and St. Sidonia, disciple of St. Nina

After the soldiers had cast lots for the Robe of our Lord, it was acquired by Elioz and Longinoz, and with great honor they carried it back with them to Mtskheta. Upon their arrival, Elioz met his sister Sidonia, who took from him the Sacred Robe.

Venerable John (Koukouzelis) the Hymnographer of Mount Athos

Saint John Koukouzelis, a native of Dirrachia (Bulgaria), was orphaned in childhood. Endowed with a very fine voice, he entered the Constantinople court school.

Icon of the Mother of God of Pskov “the Protection”

The Feast of the Pskov-Protection Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was established in memory of the miraculous deliverance of Pskov from the invading troops of the Polish king Stephen Bathory in 1581.

Icon of the Mother of God of Gerbovets

The Gerbovets Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God was acknowledged as wonderworking in the year 1859, but it was revered by believers of the Kishinev diocese even earlier.

Icon of the Mother of God of Barsk

The Barsk Icon of the Most Holy Mother of God is an ancient icon of Byzantine origin from the Barsk monastery in the Podosk diocese.

Orthodoxy in the Low Countries. Part 3: Great Monastic Saints and Penitents

Matthew Hartley

We now turn to some of the great monastic figures of the Low Countries.

Saint Melor the Breton, Prince and Martyr

Dmitry Lapa

Unfortunately, no authentic information on St. Melor (also Melorius, Mylor) survives. We know neither when nor where he lived. The only thing we can say for sure is that his life was connected with Brittany and/or Cornwall, and the most important center of his veneration for many years from the tenth century was the English town of Amesbury in the county of Wiltshire (southern England).

Saint Joseph of Bisericani Monastery

This Venerable Father was the first known hermit on Mount Bisericani, and the founder of a Monastery with the same name.

Venerable Gregory Domesticus of the Great Lavra, Mount Athos

Saint Gregory Domesticus (leading chanter) was the contemporary of Saint John Koukouzelis, and lived in the Great Lavra of Mt. Athos in piety and asceticism.