Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Святая Параскева Пятница Святитель Димитрий, митрополит Ростовский Прп. Иов Почаевский
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October 28
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November 10
20th Sunday after Pentecost. Tone 3.
No fast.

Совершается служба со славословиемGreat-martyr Parasceva of Iconium (3rd c.). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомMartyrs Terence and Neonilla, of Syria, and their children Sarbelus, Photus, Theodulus, Hierax, Nitus, Bele, and Eunice (249). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. Stephen of St. Sabbas Monastery, hymnographer (807). Совершается служба со славословиемSt. Arsenius I of Srem, archbishop of Serbia (1266). Совершается служба с полиелеемRepose of St. Job, abbot and wonderworker of Pochaev (1651). Совершается служба с полиелеемSt. Demetrius, metropolitan of Rostov (1709).

Martyrs Terence, Africanus, Maximus, Pompeius, and 36 others, at Carthage (250). Hieromartyr Cyriacus, chorepiscopus of Jerusalem, and his mother Martyr Anna (363). Hieromartyr Neophytus, bishop of Urbnisi, Georgia (7th c.). St. John the Chozebite, bishop of Caesarea in Palestine (532). Repose of St. Theophilus, fool-for-Christ, of Kiev (1853). St. Arsenius of Cappadocia (1924). St. Nestor (not the Chronicler) of the Kiev Caves (14th c.). Righteous Virgin Parasceva of Pirimin on the Pinega River (Arkhangelsk) (16th c.).

New Hieromartyr Gennadius (Parfentiev), archimandrite, of Yaransk (1919). New Hieromartyr Michael Lektorsky, archpriest, of Kuban (1920). New Hieromartyr Constantine (Dyakov), metropolitan of Kiev (1937).

Protection of the Mother of God.

St. Firmilian, bishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia (ca. 269), and St. Malchion, priest (late 3rd c.). St. Febronia, daughter of Emperor Heraclius (632). St. Athanasius I, patriarch of Constantinople (Mt. Athos) (1340). St. Hyacinth, metropolitan of Wallachia (1372). New Martyrs Angelis, Manuel, George, and Nicholas, at Rethymno on Crete (1824).

Repose of Elder Epiphanius (Theodoropoulos) of Athens (1989).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Twenty Third Sunday After Pentecost. [Eph. 2:4-10; Luke 8: 26-39]

After the Gadarene man who was possessed with devils was healed, he cleaved to the Lord and desired to be with Him always; then, upon hearing His will, goes and preaches throughout the whole city about the good things he received. The benefactor attracts, His will becomes law for the receiver of the benefaction, and the tongue cannot resist proclaiming what was received from Him. If only we kept in mind all the good things which we have received and are receiving from the Lord, there would not be ungrateful people among us, there would not be transgressors of His holy will, there would not be people who do not love Him more than anything. We are saved through baptism from our forefathers’ sin and all of its perdition; in repentance we are constantly washed from sins, which incessantly cling to us. Through God’s providence we are preserved from misfortunes which often are not visible to us ourselves, and we receive a direction for our life which is safer for us and favourable to our goals; but also all that we possess is from the Lord. That is why we must belong to the Lord with our whole soul, fulfil His will in all things, and glorify His most holy name—especially in our life and deeds, so that we might not fall behind the Gadarene man possessed by devils, who immediately proved himself to be so wise that he became an example worthy of everyone’s imitation.


Greatmartyr Paraskeva of Iconium

The Great Martyr Paraskeva of Iconium, lived during the third century in a rich and pious family.

Martyr Terence with his wife and children

The Martyrs Terence and Neonilla and their children: Sarbelus, Photius, Theodulus, Hierax, Nita, Vele and Eunice suffered martyrdom during a persecution of Christianity under the emperor Decius (249-250).

Venerable Stephen the Hymnographer of St Sabbas Monastery

Saint Stephen the Hymnographer of Saint Sava Monastery, lived the ascetic life at the Lavra of Saint Sava in Palestine

Repose of St Arsenius the Archbishop of Serbia

Saint Arsenius, Archbishop of Pec, was born in Srem.

Venerable Job, Abbot and Wonderworker of Pochaev

Saint Job, Abbot and Wonderworker of Pochaev (in the world named Ivan Zhelezo), was born around 1551 in Pokutia in Galicia. At age ten he came to the Transfiguration Ugornits monastery, and at age twelve he received monastic tonsure with the name Job.

St. Job of Pochaev

Holy Hierarch St. Dimitry of Rostov

Soon Dimitry was called to perform a different labor. There was a need to assemble a collection of the Lives of the Saints. Metropolitan Makary had long since begun the task of collecting the Lives of Saints from various sources and assembling them in his great volumes of the Menaion.

Hieromartyr Cyriacus, Patriarch of Jerusalem

The Hieromartyr Cyriacus, Patriarch of Jerusalem, was a Jew who pointed out to the holy Empress Helen the place where the Life-Creating Cross of Christ lay buried (September 14).

Martyr Neophytus of Urbin, Georgia

The holy hieromartyr Neophytus of Urbnisi descended from a line of Persian fire-worshippers.

St. John the Chozebite the Bishop of Caesarea, in Palestine

Saint John the Chozebite, Bishop of Caesarea in Palestine (587-596), was famed for his struggle against the Eutychian heresy, and also for his grace-filled gifts of discernment and wonderworking.

Venerable Athanasius the Younger, Patriarch of Constantinople

Saint Athanasius I, Patriarch of Constantinople, in the world Alexius, was from Adrianopolis. While still in his youth, thriving upon the knowledge of the wisdom of Christ, he left his home and went to Thessalonica, where he was tonsured in one of the monasteries with the name Acacius.