Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Священномученики Иоанн, Саверий, Исакий и Ипатий, епископы Персидские Косма и Дамиан Асийские Мц. Кириена Киликийская
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Old Style
November 1
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November 14
21st Week after Pentecost. Tone 3.
No fast.

Совершается служба на шестьHoly Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, of Mesopotamia, and their mother, St. Theodota (3rd c.).

Hieromartyrs John, bishop, and James, priest, in Persia (345). Martyrs Cyrenia and Juliana, in Cilicia (305-311). Martyr Hermeningilda the Goth, prince of Spain (586). Martyrs Caesarius, Dacius, Sabbas, Sabinian, Agrippa, Adrian, and Thomas, at Damascus (7th c.).

New Hieromartyr Alexander Shalai, archpriest, of Blon (Minsk) (1937). New Hieromartyr Sergius (Zverev), archbishop of Elets and Melitopol (1937).

Hieromartyr Benignus of Dijon, priest and apostle, of Burgundy (ca. 272). St. Stremonius (Austremoine), first bishop of Clermont and apostle of the Auvergne (3rd c.). St. Marcellus, bishop of Paris (ca. 430). Monk-martyrs James of Mt. Athos and his two disciples, James and Dionysius (1520). St. David of Euboea (1589). New Virgin-martyr Helen of Sinope (18th c.).

Repose of Elder Hilarion of Valaam and Sarov (1841).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Thursday. [I Thess. 5:1-8; Luke 11:47-12:1]

   Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy. The distinguishing feature of hypocrisy is to do everything for show. To do things where others can see is not yet hypocrisy because a large portion of our required deeds must be done for people, and consequently amidst them and in their view. And although those who manage to do everything secretly do better, it is not always possible; this is why one cannot immediately blame those who act in sight of others with desire for ostentation or show. They might have a sincere desire to do good, while showing others is a necessary accompaniment for deeds done outwardly. Hypocrisy begins the moment there appears the intention not to do good, but only to show yourself as doing good. And this again is not always an offence, because there can be a momentary attack of evil thoughts which are immediately noticed and chased away. But when one has it in mind to make a reputation for himself as a benefactor, there is already hypocrisy, which enters deeply into the heart. When a hidden goal of taking advantage of the benefits of such a reputation is added to this, then hypocrisy is in full vigour. Everyone, look at what the Lord requires when He commands to beware of the leaven of the Pharisees. Do good according to a desire to do good to others, according to the consciousness that God’s will is for this, unto the glory of God. But do not worry about people looking at it—and you will avoid hypocrisy.


Sermon for the Synaxis of the Unmercenary Physicians 2015

"Let not shame or fear keep you away from Christ. Our true path to salvation is towards the light of Christ, and away from the darkness of the shame of Adam and Eve and the envy of the devil. May the Lord grant us the courage to come out of our darkness and into the light and with fear of God, with faith and love, draw nearer to Him. Let us emulate the Holy Unmercenary Healers, who for themselves wanted nothing, but out of love of God and their brother, gave everything. May the Lord grant this to us. Amen."

Saint Theodota, mother of the Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian

Saint Theodota was the mother of Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian of Mesopotamia. They were all natives of Asia Minor. Her pagan husband died while her children were still quite small, but she raised them in Christian piety.

Hieromartyr John the Bishop of Persia

Saint John the bishop was martyred in Persia about 345, at the time of King Sapor II.

Hieromartyr James the Presbyter of Persia

Saint James the presbyter was martyred in Persia around 345, at the time of King Sapor II.

Martyrs Cyrenia and Juliana, in Cilicia

The Holy Martyrs Cyrenia and Juliana of Clicia were arrested for confessing the Christian Faith under the governor of Cilicia,

Martyr Hermeningilda the Goth of Spain

The Holy Martyr Hermeningilda, Prince of the Goths in Spain (+ 586), abandoned the Arian heresy and was converted to Orthodoxy. His father, Leovigild, was King of the Goths, and an Arian.

Martyrs Cæsarius, Dacius, Sabbas, Sabinian, Agrippa, Adrian, and Thomas, at Damascus

Saints Caesarius, Adrian, Dacius, Sabbas, Sabinian, Agrippa, and Thomas suffered martyrdom at Damascus in the seventh century.