Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Святитель Геннадий, архиепископ Новгородский Великомученица Варвара Иоанн Дамаскин
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Old Style
December 4
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December 17
26th Week after Pentecost. Tone 8.
Nativity Fast.
Wine and oil allowed.

Совершается служба на шестьGreat-martyr Barbara and Martyr Juliana (306), at Heliopolis in Syria. Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. John Damascene, monk of St. Sabbas Monastery (760).

St. John, bishop of Polybotum (716). St. Gennadius, archbishop of Novgorod (1504).

New Hieromartyrs John Pyankov and Alexis Saburov, archpriests, of Perm (1918). New Hieromartyr Dimitry Nevedomsky, archpriest, of Ryabovo (Tver) (1937).

New Hieromartyr Seraphim, archbishop of Phanarion and Neochorion (1601).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Saturday. [I Cor. 14:20-25; Matt. 25:1-13]

   The parable of the ten virgins is read. Saint Macarius portrays the meaning of it thus: “The five wise virgins, in sobriety, hastening toward what was unusual to their nature, taking the oil in the vessel of their heart, that is the grace of the Spirit granted from above, could enter with the Bridegroom into the heavenly bridal chamber. The other foolish virgins, remaining in their own nature, did not become sober, did not try while they were still in the flesh to take in their vessels the oil of joy, but due to carelessness or self-conceit over their own righteousness, gave themselves over as if to sleep. Because of this they were not admitted into the bridal chamber of the kingdom, and were unable to please the heavenly Bridegroom. Restrained by earthly bonds and earthly so-called love, they did not dedicate all of their love and devotion to the heavenly Bridegroom, and did not bring oil. While the souls who have sought out the sacred gift of the Spirit unusual to their nature are attached to the Lord with all of their love, walk with Him, turn away from everything, concentrate their prayers and thoughts toward Him, and are made worthy to receive the oil of heavenly grace. The souls remaining in their nature creep with their thoughts along the earth, think about the earth, and their mind dwells on the earth. They think of themselves as belonging to the Bridegroom and are adorned with justifications of the flesh; but not having received the oil of joy, they have not been reborn through the Spirit from above (Discourse 4:6).”

Tuesday. [Heb. 4:1-13; Luke 21:12-19]

           And ye shall be hated of all men for My name’s sake. He who breathes even a little of the spirit of the world into himself becomes cold to Christianity and its demands. This indifference turns into dislike when one remains in it a long time without coming to one’s senses, and especially after picking up somewhere a particle of some false teaching. The spirit of the world with its false teachings is a spirit of disliking Christ: it is of the antichrist. It is the spread of hostile attitudes toward the Christian confession and Christian traditions. Apparently something like this is happening around us. So far only hollow roars are sounding everywhere; but it will not be surprising if soon the Lord’s prophesy will begin, that, they shall lay their hands on you…and persecute you…ye shall be betrayed…and cause you to be put to death. The spirit of antichrist is always the same; what was in the beginning will be now, perhaps in another form, but with the same meaning. What should we do? In your patience possess ye your souls. Be patient, with a firm word of confession of the truth in your mouth and in your heart.

Wednesday. [Heb. 5:11-6:8; Luke 21:5-7, 10-11, 20-24]

           The disciples were remarking the Lord about the beauty of the temple building and its utensils, but He answered, The days will come, in which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down. This is a caption to go under all the beauty of this world. In appearance it seems durable and immortalized; but on the next day you look, and all will be as though it never was—the beauty withers, the strength is drained, the fame dwindles, minds are overcome, and clothes are worn out. Everything carries within itself a destroying power, which does not lie like an undeveloped seed, but is inherent unceasing activity, and everything flows to its own end. The fashion of this world passeth away (I Cor. 7:31) Surely man walketh about like a phantom… He layeth up treasure, and knoweth not for whom he shall gather it (Ps. 38:7–8). While we just keep rushing around vainly, are caught in cares, and there is no end to our cares. We encounter constant lessons around us, but we do everything our own way, as though we are blind and see nothing. And it is correct to say we are blind, or blinded; we do not await an end either to ourselves or to anything surrounding us or controlling us. And what else? Arranging our surroundings as we see fit, we are certain that we stand firmly, as on a rock, when actually it is more like we were standing in a bog, just about to sink down. But we do not feel this, and we give ourselves over to careless delight in passing things, as though they must always remain. Let us pray that the Lord open the eyes of our mind; and let us see everything not as it seems, but as it is.
