Orthodox Calendar 2024
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Прп. София Суздальская Пророк Аггей Императрица Феофания Византийская
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Old Style
December 16
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December 29
27th Sunday after Pentecost. Sunday of the Holy Forefathers. Tone 2.
Nativity Fast.
Fish, wine and oil allowed.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомProphet Haggai (Aggaeus) (500 b.c.).

Martyr Marinus of Rome (283). Blessed Empress Theophania, wife of Byzantine Emperor Leo the Wise (893). St. Sophia of Suzdal, nun (in the world Solomonia), wife of Grand Duke Basil III of Moscow (1542). St. John (Rastorguyev) the Barefoot, fool-for-Christ, of Kiev (1849).

New Hieromartyr Vladimir Alexeyev, priest, of Okhansk (1918). New Hieromartyr Arcadius (Ostalsky), bishop of Bezhetsk (1937).

Martyr Albina of Caesarea (250). St. Memnon, archbishop of Ephesus (ca. 440). St. Modestus II, patriarch of Jerusalem (634). St. Nicholas Chrysoberges, patriarch of Constantinople (995).

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Twenty Eighth Sunday after Pentacost. [Col. 1:12-18; Luke 14:16-24]

           Many are called, but few are chosen (Matt. 22:14). All Christians are called; chosen are those Christians who believe and live in a Christian manner. In the first Christian times preaching called to faith; we are called by our birth from Christians and upbringing among Christians. And glory be to God! We pass half the road, that is, entrance into Christianity and the taking root of its principles in our heart from our very childhood, without any labour. It would seem that our faith should be all the stronger, and our life all the more correct throughout all the time that follows. It was this way; but from a certain point in time it has started to be different. Unchristian principles are permitted in our schools which ruin young people, and unchristian customs have entered into society, which corrupt them after leaving school. If according to the word of God there always have been only a few chosen, it is no surprise that in our time there are even fewer of them; such is the spirit of the age—antichristian! What will be next? If our manner of education and social customs are not changed, true Christianity will weaken more and more, and at last will entirely end; only the name of Christian will remain, but the spirit of Christianity will not be there. The spirit of the world will fill everything. What is one to do? Pray…
