Afterfeast of the Nativity of Christ.
Synaxis of the Most Holy Theotokos.
Hieromartyr Euthymius, bishop of Sardis (840).
St. Constantine, monk, of Synnada (9th c.). St. Evaristus, monk of the Studion Monastery (825). St. Nicodemus of Tismana, Romania (1406).
New Hieromartyrs Leonid (Antoshchenko), bishop of Mariisk, Isaac II (Bobrakov), archimandrite, of Optina Monastery, Basil (Mazurenko), hieromonk, of Vinnitsa, Alexander Krylov, archpriest, of Vladimir, Gregory Serbarinov, archpriest, of St. Petersburg, and New Martyr Augusta (Zashchuk), schemanun (1937).
St. Archelaus, bishop of Haran in northern Mesopotamia (ca. 280). St. Zeno, bishop of Maiuma in Palestine (4th c.). St. Jarlath, first bishop of Tuam, founder of the monastery of Cluain Fois (Ireland) (ca. 540). New Hieromartyr Constantius the Russian, priest, of Constantinople (1743).
Repose of Abbot Barlaam of Valaam and Optina Monasteries (1849) and Archimandrite Irenarchus (Rosetti) of Mt. Tabor (1859).