Afterfeast of the Theophany.
St. Gregory of Nyssa (после 394).
St. Dometian, bishop of Melitene (601).
St. Marcian, priest, of Constantinople (5th c.).
St. Paul, founder of Obnora Monastery (Vologda) (1429). St. Antipas of Calapodeshti (Romania) and Valaam Monastery (1882).
St. Theophan the Recluse, bishop of Tambov (1894).
Blessed Theosebia the Deaconess, sister of Sts. Macrina, Basil the Great, Peter of Sebaste, and Gregory of Nyssa (385). St. Macarius, founder of Pisma Monastery (Kostroma) (14th c.). Monk-martyr Ephraim, elder of Obnora, and six monks of Obnora whose relics are incorrupt (1538).
New Hieromartyrs Peter Uspensky, archpriest of Radushino (Zaraisk) (1930), and Anatole (Grisyuk), metropolitan of Odessa and Cherson (1938). New Martyr Arsenia (Dobronravova), abbess of the Holy Resurrection–St. Theodore Convent (Shuisk) (1939).
St. Ammon, monk, of Nitria (5th c.).