Orthodox Calendar 2025
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Святитель Савва Сербский Икона Божией Матери ''Млекопитательница'' Мц. Татиана Римская
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January 12
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January 25
31st Week after Pentecost. Saturday after the Theophany. Tone 5.
No fast.

Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомAfterfeast of the Theophany. Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомMartyr Tatiana of Rome and companions (226–235). Совершается служба со славословиемSt. Sava I, enlightener and first archbishop of Serbia (1237). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. Martinian, abbot of White Lake Monastery (1483), and his disciple Galacteon (1506).

Martyr Mertius of Mauretania (284-305). Martyr Peter Apselamus of Eleutheropolis in Palestine (309-310). St. Eupraxia of Tabenna in Egypt (393). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомSt. Pachomius of Keno Lake (16th c). St. John of Tula, fool-for-Christ (1850).

Akathist]” (Hilandar) and “Milk-giver” Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos.

St. Theodora of Alexandria, instructress of nuns (5th c.). Martyr Philotheus of Antioch (ca. 305). St. Benedict Biscop, abbot, of Wearmouth (690). Eight Martyrs of Nicaea. St. Elias the Wonderworker, of Egypt (4th c.)

Thoughts for Each Day of the Year
According to the Daily Church Readings from the Word of God
By St. Theophan the Recluse

St. Theophan the Recluse

Saturday after Theophany. [Eph. 6:10–17; Matt. 4:1–11]

The Apostle clothes Christians in the whole armour of God. It is appropriate that this follows the previous lesson. For, if someone, heeding the call of God, has taken on the beginning of a new life through God’s grace, providing for his own part all diligence (II Pet. 1:5), then he must not expect to rest on his laurels, but rather to struggle. He has left the world—for that the world will begin to press him. He was saved from the power of the devil—the devil will chase after him and set snares before him, to throw him off the path of good and drag him back to his domain. He has denied himself, denied selfishness together with a whole horde of passions. But this sin living in us will not suddenly relinquish its free and untrammelled existence as we live in self-pleasure, and every minute it will attempt under various pretexts to establish once more the same life routine that so richly filled and fed it earlier. These are three enemies, each with innumerable hordes; but the commander-in-chief is the devil, whilst his closest helpers are the demons. They run the show in a sinful life—the opponents of a spiritual life. That is why the Apostle arms the Christian against them as if there were no other enemies at all. He says: we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Eph. 6:12). If they did not exist, perhaps battles would not exist either. Likewise, as soon as they are repelled and struck down, it takes nothing to repel and defeat the others. So each of you look to see where you need to direct your arrows, or at least look to see from which side you particularly need to defend yourself. Then, defend yourself! The Apostle prescribed several weapons; but all of them have power only through the Lord. That is why experienced spiritual fighters have passed on to us this instruction: “Strike the enemy with the name of the Lord Jesus!”


Martyr Tatiana of Rome, and those who suffered with Her

The Holy Virgin Martyr Tatiana was born into an illustrious Roman family, and her father was elected consul three times.

'The Earth Cannot Imprison Him'—St. Sava of Serbia

"In creating the Serbian Church, he created the Serbian state and Serbian culture along with it. He brought peace to all the Balkan peoples, working for the good of all, for which he was venerated and loved by all on the Balkan peninsular. He gave a Christian soul to the people of Serbia, which survived the fall of the Serbian state."

Serbia Celebrates Sveti Sava

Saint Sava, known as the Illuminator, was a Serbian prince and Orthodox monk, the first Archbishop of the autocephalous Serbian Church, the founder of Serbian law, and a diplomat.

Life of Our Holy Father Sava I

This young child, Rastko, whose monastic name later was Sava, became and still remains the most beloved of all Serbian Orthodox saints, considered by all Serbs everywhere and at all times as the ultimate expression and example of what it means to be fully human, that is, what it means to be a devout and committed follower of Jesus Christ.

The Hagiorite Rastimir. St. Sava of Serbia and Rus’

In 1517, monk Isaiah brought to Moscow a comprehensive life of Sava, written at the turn of the thirteenth to fourteenth centuries by the monk Theodosius. We have more than eighty Russian copies of this extensive life that have survived, even in Serbian collections.

Venerable Martinian the Abbot of Belozersk

Saint Martinian of White Lake, in the world Michael, was born in the year 1370 in the village of Berezniko, not far from the Cyrilov monastery. At age thirteen he left his parents and went secretly to Saint Cyril of White Lake, whom many described as a great ascetic.

Martyr Mertius of Mauretania

The Holy Martyr Mertius was a soldier. He suffered for Christ in Africa during the reign of Diocletian (284-305).

Martyr Peter Apselamus of Palestine

The Holy Martyr Peter Apselamus was a native of the village of Aneia in Palestine.

Venerable Eupraxia of Tabenna, in Egypt

Saint Eupraxia the Elder was the mother of Saint Eupraxia, maiden of Tabennisi. She was the wife of the pious senator Antigonus, who was related to the emperor Theodosius the Great.

Saint Pachomius of Keno Lake

Saint Pachomius founded a monastery dedicated to the Transfiguration of the Lord near Lake Keno, and tonsured Saint Anthony of Siya (December 7) as a monk in 1508.

Blessed John of Tula, Who Sought God With All His Soul

Elena Detinina

Laying aside all earthly cares, the young John took up his cross and embarked upon the path of the great labor of foolishness, which contains within it the God-pleasing monastic, ascetic, martyric, and prophetic paths as well.

Icon of the Mother of God of the Akathist

The “Akathist” Icon of the Mother of God is on the iconostasis of the Hilandar monastery’s katholikon.

Icon of the Mother of God the “Milk-Giver” of the Hilandar Monastery on Mt. Athos

The “Milk-Giver” Icon of the Mother of God was originally located at the Lavra of St Sava the Sanctified near Jerusalem. Before his death, the holy founder of the Lavra foretold that a royal pilgrim having the same name as himself would visit the Lavra. St Sava told the brethren to give the wonderworking icon to that pilgrim as a blessing.