Orthodox Calendar 2025
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Мученица Евфалия Леентинская Икона Божией Матери Державная Святитель Арсений Тверской
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Old Style
March 2
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March 15
2nd Week of Great Lent. Second Saturday of Great Lent. Commemoration of the Dead. Tone 4.
Great Lent.
Wine and oil allowed.

Совершается служба с полиелеемAppearance of the Kolomenskoye “Reigning” Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos (1917). Cовершается служба, не отмеченная в Типиконе никаким знакомHiero-confessor Theodotus, bishop of Cyrenia on Cyprus (ок 320-326). Совершается служба со славословиемSt. Arsenius, bishop of Tver (1409).

Martyr Troadius of Neo-Caesarea (ca. 249-251). Virgin-martyr Euthalia of Sicily (257). St. Agatho of Egypt, monk (5th c.). 440 Martyrs slain by the Lombards in Italy (ca. 579). St. Sabbatius, monk, of Tver (1434), and his disciple St. Euphrosynus (1460). Sts. Barsanuphius (1459) and Sabbas (1467), abbots, of Tver.

St. Cointus [Quintus] of Phrygia, confessor and wonderworker (283) Martyr Hesychius the Palatine, of Antioch (ca. 304). St. Chad, bishop of Lichfield (England) (672). New Martyr Theodore Sladic of Komogovina (1788). St. Joachim (Papoulakis), monk of Vatopedi (Mt. Athos) and Ithaca (1868).

Repose of Abbess Philareta of Ufa (1890).


Icon of the Mother of God “Enthroned”

The “Enthroned” (or “Reigning”) Icon of the Mother of God appeared on March 2, 1917, the day of Tsar Nicholas’s abdication, in the village of Kolomskoye near Moscow.

Hieromartyr Theodotus the Bishop of Cyrenia

When he heard about this order, the saint did not wait for the soldiers to be sent after him, but immediately went to the governor saying, “I, whom you seek, am here. I have shown myself in order to preach Christ my God.”

St. Arsenius the Bishop of Tver

Saint Arsenius, Bishop of Tver, was born at Tver, and in his early years received monastic tonsure in the Kiev Caves monastery. Even among the monks of this ancient monastery, distinguished for their piety, Arsenius was noted for his saintly life as well as for his strictness in keeping his monastic vows, his knowledge of the Church typikon, his study of Holy Scripture, and his love for work.

Martyr Troadius of Neocaesarea

The Holy Martyr Troadius suffered for Christ in Neocaesarea, Pontus under the emperor Decius (249-251), enduring horrible tortures.

Virginmartyr Euthalia of Sicily

After being baptized with her daughter, she was healed of her infirmity. When Euthalia’s pagan brother Sirmianus learned of the baptism, went into a violent rage.

Venerable Agathon of Egypt

Saint Agathon of Egypt, a contemporary of Saint Macarius the Great (January 19) and a disciple of Saint Lot (October 22), he lived in asceticism in a skete in Egypt.

400 Martyrs slain by the Lombards in Sicily

400 Martyrs Slain by the Lombards in Sicily refused to participate in idol worship and were massacred by the Lombards (a Germanic tribe) in the year 579.

St. Sabbatius of Tver

Saint Sabbatius of Tver pursued asceticism with the blessing of Saint Arsenius, Bishop of Tver, at a distance 15 versts from Tver. Saint Sabbatius established a monastery there, known for the strictness and holiness of its rule.

Holy Hierarch Chad of Lichfield, Apostle of Mercia, Wonderworker

Dmitry Lapa

Pious English people, especially ordinary folk, have deeply loved and venerated this saint for more than 1300 years as one of their protectors. His veneration is similar to that of Sts. Aidan and Cuthbert of Lindisfarne and Swithin of Winchester; he lived absolutely in the same spirit with them.

Saturday of the Commemoration of the Dead

Saturday of the Commemoration of the Dead